Ask a Sri Lankan anything

Ask a Sri Lankan anything

Other urls found in this thread: A32.pdf

Do you suck dicks?

>india's poop

>argentinas beach

Do you find strong eyebrows girls more attractive than thin eyebrows girls?If yes,do you think you're a little bit gay,bc it is?

I prefer moderate eyebrows 2bh, neither thin nor thick, wouldnt call liking strong eyebrows gay though

are you tamil?

No, sinhala

What makes you different to south indians, apart from religion?

do sri lankans poo in the loo more than indians?

Are you from Sri Lankan?

culture, i suppose, though one might argue, not unfairly, that that's largely due to religion
genetically sinhalese are more related to bengalis than south indians

yes, quite a bit more
no, i'm from rio

Are there many people that have european surnames and/or descent like in parts of india?

>yes, quite a bit more



Yes, mostly portuguese and dutch, though it's only a few ten thousand so not "many" per se

Hello fellow Buddhist

I ask that Srilanka deport the Muslims and Xians

do you suck dicks?

what tea the best?

hello friend
the ones here are not usually too bad tbqhwyf
though they fuck too much

bls stob bosting that quedstionz :DDDD

white tea the best

so suck or not?


Why you changed your name, Ceylan?
What's the main religion of your cunt?
The civil war was about what?

I got a question

Were you "touched" by Arthur C. Clarke when you were a kid? Do you know anyone who was?

Are Tamils the niggers of Sri Lanka? Also, why did your country change it's name?

>Why you changed your name, Ceylan?
Probably mostly because it was associated with colonialism and a nationalistic surge led tot the end of the Dominion in the 70s and with it came the change, I suppose
>What's the main religion of your cunt?
Specifically Sri Lankan/Theravada Buddhism
>The civil war was about what?
Theres a lot too it, but the long and short version of the immediately relevant origins are that;
>government passes sinhala only language act for official institutions
>previously existing ethnic tensions and independence agitators used it to fire up more tensions
>one protest by tamil liberation front party against the government turned into a riot and three (sinhala) policemen were shot/two killed
>police and military organise pogrom to destroy that partys headquarters and also burn down the jaffna library, businesses and a hindu temple
>the LTTE ambush and kill most of an army patrol

The last thing basically sparked off more ethnic protests and targeting of the one side by the other, and kicked off the civil war for good


Any minority that outbreed you is a grave threat

Well they are the darkest group on average by far
and, like i said here >Probably mostly because it was associated with colonialism and a nationalistic surge led tot the end of the Dominion in the 70s and with it came the change, I suppose

ask the question

No, I did actually meet him once, but no pedo happened

you might have a point

why are you not indian

Why are you not Malaysian?

stop oppressing tamils NOW

So you are a bicultural country because of this?

What is your opinion on Jainism?
What is your opinion on Islam?

n-no idea what your talking about user, none whatsoever
In what sense do you mean? There are more than two ethnicities;
Sinhala 74.90%
Tamil 15.27
Moor (Arab settlers mixed with locals); 9.30%
Malay/Javanese 0.22%
Eurasian (Portuguese-local mixed descendants) 0.19%
And the remaining 0.13% a generic "others"

if you meant bicultural as in having multiple cultural policies, then yes, english, sinhalese and tamil are all on street signs and allowed for, idk, driving tests and whatnot

There was at least one kid in my school who was a Jain, but I did not know him personally to develop an opinion, and I do not know much about the religion itself

Can't say I have too much of a positive opinion on the fundamentals of Islam if i'm being entirely honest, but two of my closer friends are muslim so I don't really let it colour my views on people too much

Why are you up so late?

It's a good question

What is living standard and life actually like there

Why are Sri Lankan's so nice

Depends where you live
Within Colombo and it's metropolitan area it's generally quite decent and life is nothing out of the ordinary, with standard of living decreasing the further out you get.
Relatively speaking, it's by far better off than it's neighbours, at least.
Major towns are ofc better off, and the North is poorer than the South, having been in a civil war.

Depends on the person I suppose.

How do you feel about Hindus and Muslims

The people? Nothing much, I can't have one general feeling toward a large group of people

The religions? As I stated before I am not overly fond of Islams tenets, and Hinduism does have some questionable parts to it as well, like sati or the caste system

Would you rather be absorbed by China or India?

Neither, really

But if I have to answer, and assuming it would be as an equal state or w/e under the central government; Right now? China

Singapore is the better one

Neither, really

But if I have to answer, and assuming it would be as an equal state or w/e under the central government and not a colony or something; Right now? China
The answer may change in the future, but ultimately I'd still rather have it be neither

any legends or myths about youre country?

Hello Ceilão

Does anyone speak any portuguese creole there?

a what???

The most famous is probably the Hindu Ramyana from India

Despite what that says I'm not quite sure if the Lanka in the Ramayana was supposed to be in the same place as the island of Sri Lanka today

And some of the Mahavamsa (a record of Sinhalese history) is semi or entirely legendary

Not many, probably only in the triple or double digits

Though, theres at least several dozen words in sinhala and as many surnames influenced by or taken from portuguese

that was the idea :^>

>that was the idea :^>

Do you deny the war crimes committed against the Tamils?

why you are here. are you a weeb?

only ironically

n-no i only watch a little anime i swear

Do rich poos go there to vacation

well out of 2.05 million tourists last year the largest share were indians, at 356,729 people so perhaps

that said something like 15 million indians travel abroad every year so it's not that high of a proportion from that side

Do a lof of Sinhaleses and Moors learn Tamil? is there like a supra national identity among Tamils in Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, etc? kind of like Anglo countries, Iberoamerican countries, Chinese countries, CIS...

Oh well I found the answer to my first question here A32.pdf

does it snow there?

You've already answered your first question, as for the second, yes and no, depends on the time and circumstance, really

Though Singaporean/Malaysian Tamils are basically descendants of those from India and Sri Lanka

theres some light frost occasionally, not a very common occurrence though

Share a recipe of Sinhalese food OP

Are you ashamed to be Sri Lankan/Indian m8?

i'unno how to cook

not particularly
though i wouldnt call myself indian if someone asked

Do you poo in loo?


Waz wrong with dutch ceylon?
Come back pls!

Will *you* come back?
> tfw no tulip-selling Spanish Netherlander gf

>liberation tigers of tamil eelam
is that supposed to sound threatening? just sounds like some kind of sports team

well you lost it to the british for one

Would you give me a job if I came to Sri Lanka?

as what do you propose i employ you

A best friend

s-sure user

i live with a Sri Lankan who's half white, yet he's still very dark. what is he likely to be, Tamil? Sinhalese?

Can't say
Broadly speaking Tamils are the darkest but thats not to say there aren't Sinhalese who aren't nigger tier either, so if you want to go off broadly, then Tamil
Tamils tend to be hindu and have the dot thing, nose rings and the like though, so you can tell by that if he does any of it (though only women get the nose ring)
What's the name?

They were the craziest, best prepared terrorist group in history m8, they even had a navy and an airforce and they invented the suicide vest.
To this date, they are the only terrorist group that has managed to whack the leaders of two different countries.

he isn't religious at all. he has a bizarre surname which very few people have in the world but it looks european, it seems to be a colonial name, it's definitely not south asian.

he's about this skin tone despite being half white. i'm gonna guess he's Tamil then.

Also how decent is everyone's English? Better or worse than in India?

the first one wasn't re-elected when he got whacked tbf
Though that skin tone could definitely be Sinhalese too (dunno about half-white) , I personally wouldn't guess off it without knowing more

That said, there are certainly more Tamils in the UK than Sinhalese so it's more probable I guess

Sri Lanka 47.8
India 12.10

Though more speakers doesn't guarantee particularly good English, to be honest I have a hard time understanding what some people like three wheeler drivers are saying when they speak in English
But then again those aren't particularly well educated people so probably overall a bit better?

Do you speak/understand Tamil?

Not really, I picked up a small amount from my parents domestic workers when I was younger but I don't recall much now, and I speak to my friends, Tamil or otherwise, and family in English so it's not really something I've ever seen the need to learn

Well, on an average, what would you say the ratio of tamil-speaking to non-tamil-speaking Sri Lankans is? From your experience, that is, not from any stats

t. curious tamilkara chennaiite

I obviously don't know what everyone spoke, but, I'll take my class as an example and exclude non Sri Lankans

I know at least two girls there did speak tamil
Two tamil guys didn't speak anything beside english, and one spoke tamil, I think
One Moorish guy spoke it a little
So out of about 25~ people, 4 spoke it, or 16%

But that said I did go to a private international school targeted for embassy/ngo/foreign companies/whatevers workers kids which taught in the english medium and whatnot, so this is certainly not representative of average sri lankans proportion of tamil speakers, which according to is 28.5

and, you want to go back to the british?

Proof that you are real Sri Lankans and not proxies

Do you still have a cannibal tiger?

Do you take the poo to the loo?

Is it looked down upon when two people of diffrent groups make children or isnt that a problem as long as the religion doesnt differ?