So guys, im 19 and i dont know how to maintain a conversation with people specially girls

So guys, im 19 and i dont know how to maintain a conversation with people specially girls
Typical convo go like
>abc, u?
>oh, okay
Help me guys
Pic related.

Maybe speaking fucking English would help?

You mad white boy? Then I will prescribe you Xanax. You see sometimes we are angry for reasons we no longer remember and have the hatred boil up inside us. This is not healthy and rest assured you will not have to keep ingesting it it will be only temporarily. I will make you an appointment with our psychologist and she will keep track of your progress. Eat healthy a lot of fruits you know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Avoid stressful situations when you can. Take 2 pills one in the morning at diner and one at evening at diner with a big glass of water.
Side effects include:
Being forgetful
changes in patterns and rhythms of speech
clumsiness or unsteadiness
difficulty with coordination
feeling sad or empty
lack of appetite
loss of interest or pleasure
relaxed and calm
shakiness and unsteady walk
sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
slurred speech
trouble concentrating
trouble in speaking
trouble performing routine tasks
trouble sleeping
unsteadiness trembling
or other problems with muscle control or coordination
unusual tiredness or weakness call me if you experience any of these.
I will see you again next tuesday at 10am or 7pm whatever fits you best. Have a pleasant day sir.

in what way is the fucking pic related

Doesn't matter what you say if you are anything like the pic.

ask them about erdogan and/or trump

Girls maybe

are abc and bcd acronyms? or are they like variables cause you cant think of a fake boring conversation?

Post kik so we can help you practice

Sadly it's the second one

Ask them how they're doing, talk about shit you like, talk about shit they like, anything important happening in their live? Ask them about it, tell them about shit you think is funny, dont be afraid to give your opinions on things, etc. etc.

I know that feel, though my conversations end like this
>how are you?
>ok and you?
and then it ends normally.
It is really hard to keep the conversation after that. Even if the other has a topic, normaly it is just 2 or 3 sentences after it and then it ends.
Bad feel tbh

Tell them tits or GTFO

shit man that is sad. you got any interests? i like to talk about playing guitar. doesnt matter if they dont understand what chords or scales are. talk about funny shit, like i talk to girls i like about how i like to troll chicks on tinder. i give em examples, sometimes the funny stuff i read in "dubs decides" threads and ask em if they think its a good one

But after i ask someone what he is doing I don't know how to continue. I say ok or maybe cool and then I answer his question, what I am doing. Thats it; after that nothing happens, because I don't know what to say

Kik me and let's be awkward together woodcock.13

You mad infidel? Then I will prescribe you Xanax. You see sometimes we are angry for reasons we no longer remember and have the hatred boil up inside us. This is not healthy and rest assured you will not have to keep ingesting it it will be only temporarily. I will make you an appointment with our psychologist and she will keep track of your progress. Eat healthy a lot of fruits you know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Avoid stressful situations when you can. Take 2 pills one in the morning at diner and one at evening at diner with a big glass of water.
Side effects include:
Being forgetful
changes in patterns and rhythms of speech
clumsiness or unsteadiness
difficulty with coordination
feeling sad or empty
lack of appetite
loss of interest or pleasure
relaxed and calm
shakiness and unsteady walk
sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
slurred speech
trouble concentrating
trouble in speaking
trouble performing routine tasks
trouble sleeping
unsteadiness trembling
or other problems with muscle control or coordination
unusual tiredness or weakness call me if you experience any of these.
I will see you again next tuesday at 10am or 7pm whatever fits you best. Have a pleasant day sir.

What if they always start the convo first then no matter what you say the answer is always "okay"

Trust me, user, I used to be the same way, still am sometimes. You just have to focus on the conversation. Like, wrack your brain for conversation topics. Shit they'd like to talk about, such as their hobbies or jobs.

Add me on kik M.smith4569 i can give you tip to keep the conversation :)

Like if i stop talking they will do so, it's awkward to keep talking alone

Everyone is like that you fool but if you do nothing with your time or have no interests then obviously you will have nothing to talk about.

Dude girls are shallow so they're easy to talk to. Here's some things chicks love

1. Compliment her apparel. Shirt, shoes, jewelry, etc. There's some stupid fucking cunt story behind all of them.

2. Talk shit about other women. Chicks love this stuff.

3. Talk about how beautiful they are, they love this stuff. Don't use words like sexy. Use non threatening words like gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, etc...

4. Talk shit about their boyfriend or ex-boyfriends. They love that shit

Any one of these is a conversation starter. Slowly gravitate the convo towards her. Chicks fucking love talking about themselves. If you let a bitch blabber on about herself she'll fuck you. You can literally say 3 words the whole time.

if you stop talking theyll probably think you dont want to talk to them. that you dont like em

youre 19? youve barely started to develop a personality or form any opinions or life affirmations. itll pass you just have to go live some life, get addicted to drugs for a little while. social anxiety only stays with people who dont force themselves into social situations

just find somebody who has shared interests. It will be a lot easier to have a conversation that way.

Stop talking this retarded,Like really if she is intelligent,She would tell you to fuck off with this shit.

Stop using abbreviations.

Ask her about what she wants to talk,Try to find common interests to talk about.

If she is a slut send her a dickpic

Fyck off

all is besides 2
girls like bad boys
not fucking 100% assholes who have no respect for anything

It means you are ugly and they aren't attracted to you and want you to stop talking to them

Don't forget to throw a "plz respond" in there. If she ignores it, call her a rancid swine.

Do you think that random chats like on omegle or something would be helpfull? Also thank you for your help :)

so juuuuuust

ask them if theyve ever heard of "something you like" and then tell them about it

Fk u

Flirt via memes
Find a meme slut and exchange them until profit


Add me on kik @ harambedindunuffin


Go for girls that are super insecure and build up their self-esteem with lots of compliments
Easy way to get nudes too

Why is tooth brushing actually a little sexy

Be fun and outgoing
Find something she's interested in and engage her in conversation about that
Ask her about her favorite things


try tinder to gain conversation expirience, go on some dates, rest is peanuts


>So guys, im 19 and i dont know how to maintain a conversation with people specially girls

they are not interested.
if they are, they will pick up the conversation.

that's it.
any other questions OP?


>abc, u?
>oh, I know this about abc and also take part in this activity. I'm actually doing bcd!

She'll become interested in you at that point you autistic fuck, stop being boring and unintresting.

but you're probably just ugly tbqh
