Some videos from american students who are learning a language in school

some videos from american students who are learning a language in school






japanese lol

have fun

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Thanks, i have cancer now

Is it that bad?

Thanks, i have cancer now

Thank you USA, I'm now way more confident in my Italian language skills

Fuck, why all foreign accents sound retarded in Spanish.

No but the video starting with the neapolitan song killed me

>sudacas talking about annoying accents

Sounds better than native speakers tbqh

do they sound mentally challenged in other languages as well?

German was shit, but I could at least understand what they were so desperately trying to say. I hope this is first year German.

I have no words to describe anglos trying to speak French. I hope they all failed their class.

Not gonna lie lads, I wrote some excellent skits in German class back in the day, i truly was talented with that language, i had a shit accent though

SLIGHT chance i still have them saved somewhere

Why did you post this? Are you one of them? Do you know them?

2bh I hope eliza passed

1. i think it is funny
2. no
3. no

>the brazilian one has a murdering on it

how fitting

If you go to YouTube and type in "foreign language class project" or "final project" there are hundreds of these bad videos

They are funny


My fucking sides, it's a mixture of aids, cancer and fun.

I can't stop laughing.


Very much so.

To be fair, projects like these are bullshit. It requires a lot of time invested with minimal reward. Most of the effort goes into the logistics of getting the camera, figuring out where to film, etc, rather than the language aspect of it. Students that aren't tryhard do these projects as fast as possible with minimal effort.

>t. American who had to do a bunch of these in high school

the portuguese one is not thaaat bad if you ignore the ultra mega colossally THICC american accent

what is annoying is how they put no effort into pronouncing words correctly

spanish, for example, is entirely phonetic; how hard is it to understand that r=d? even with that little addition to the speech, it sounds much better

como asta jerry
jerry asta moito

issoi uma péna


>csq je parle probablement le français comme les lycéens de putain dans la vidéo (mon français parlé est pire que mon français écrit qui est, comme tu vois, terrible)

>c'est un sens mal

Lol, wut, they are speaking broken portuguese with a completely american pronunciation, how could it be worse than that?

The whole video revolves around ordering food and they couldn't even translate that right, they think "Posso ter" is how you order food, like "Can I have" in english.

i literally have a harder time understanding the "Spanish project" video than any portuguese speaker
is it that hard to at least TRY not to pronunce things in English ?

Sois juste toi même

>get really annoyed at their lack of trying
>then realize that this is some shitty project chad and Stacy does so they can pass
Man i must be a quality autist because i would probably put a lot of effort on those thing
maybe it is just because its a subject that i like

Flat hips

>je serai anglo pour toute de ma vie

>tfw trying to learn french and I'm scared I sound like these vids.

I try really hard to make sure I'm pronouncing things correctly though.

Is it as bad as this?

I resemble your commentary

His generally pronunciation is fine / understandable but he has no vocab / ability to form sentences.

Post a vocoroo and we'll critique

that fact that you are trying means it cant be as bad as those vids

post vocaroo

no thx i'm a pussy nigga, I've only been doing it for ~2 months now not good enough to post anything

It's anonymous though

Come on user, please

sounds a bit australian¿?
at least he tries to pronunce