Is it fair to say that Man of Steel is IRREFUTABLY the best superhero/jesus metaphor film of all time?
Is it fair to say that Man of Steel is IRREFUTABLY the best superhero/jesus metaphor film of all time?
shitty bait
try again
Jesus is a poorly written character.
It's a very moderate and safe statement.
If he is Jesus then I am rooting for the jews.
post more women with cleft chins pls
there goes THAT GUY again, spamming this shitty movie
Still more depth than any Marvel movie.
who is behind this post?
What point in Jesus' life is analogous to a spaceship pooping a gravitational anomaly into the butt of another ship, after which the other ship poops the gravitational anomaly back into the first ship's butt, and they continue to poop back and forth, with the same gravitational anomaly, forever, until the end of time.
which is it then?
Only the classic capeshits beat it imo
Brothers of Destruction frown at your ignorant shit
Antje Traue looks like a man.
you forgot your trippp I think
Or perhapsh he's wondering why shomeone who choke a man before shlamming him in the ring?
>tfw I can't find english subs for that movie
>tfw she has lewd scenes in it
The stench of reddit on your post is overwhelming
Not who you think I am, but she honestly does have masculine features.
what's wrong with masculine features?
jealous roastie detected
yeah I dont get it either, she is pretty good looking. nice eyes
>nice eyes
aryan tbj
it's kinda depressive how many shitty movies she's been in, and how close she was to quitting her career in acting
acting is hard for those who does not suck every director, agent and so on.
your spelling is depressive lmao
Masculine features on women are not attractive to me.
you sound like you prefer men
It's The lion the witch and the wardrobe
She looks pretty comfy there.
girly men
Girly guy and manly girl is a great combo.
No, too much exposition doesn't make a metaphor better in any way.
lol faggot
So did comic book Faora ever do anything interesting, or is she really just meant to be a cute amazon?
Donner's Ursa was a bigger woman.
What do you need subs for? Lewd is lewd even in German.
Though if it is German, you need to beware of poop.
>he still doesn't get it
It's about us and humanity in the film viewing him as Jesus, not him being Jesus.
BvS made to so fucking clear to you idiots, it's mocked that thinking right to your face and even spelling out why you shouldn't view him like that and you still don't get it.
ursa was hotter. furiosa or whatever her name was, looks like a man and is wearing armor from record of lodoss war
Not him but I never went to see it because of how bad the trailers made it look and how disappointing Man of Steel was, so as far as I'm concerned SUPERMAN IS JESUS is a valid point.
that is why we have religious people, they just don't get it
Isn't it bad that we can all recognise a Krager post now?
>talks about evolution
>is genetically engineered
Did no one proofread the script or are the religious allegories more important
its analogous of that time jesus struck down a guy with lighting
>trying this hard to meme
Evolution was directly related to the scene, you dolt.
But evolution is totally Satanic just like genetic engineering because God created all life so that's why the bad guys gotta talk about it.
how so? if I recall she says "Evolution always wins" talking about herself while sups is the only natural son of her world.
>Superior race comes to claim the planet of an inferior race
>They are humanoids just like Earthlings except they grew up on a more hostile planet which happened before population control
>Survival of the fittest
they are engineered. if you put a frog in a robot suit it does not mean it has gained evolutionary advantage.also their home planet is not more hostile than ours. yellow sun gives them power and red sun gives us power.
Can't breed, completely useless.
Tell me about Kane, why does he wear the mask?
Says who?