The Ghostbusters "I'm only pretending to be retarded" theory

I have a theory.

From the get-go, we knew that Sony was deliberately going to milk the gender card to promote its all-female reboot of Ghostbusters.

For months leading up to the trailer release, we got article after article complaining about sexist men complaining about Ghostbusters.

What if Sony deliberately released a bad trailer to milk more hate that they can turn into a sexism narrative?

What if the film is actually much better than initially promoted and this is all a set up to make the haters look wrong?

What if Hollywood is running a campaign to permanently make user criticism irrelevant so it can continue to pump out reboots of beloved classics?

The shilling by SJWs is just too convenient. You have normally right-of-centre publications like The Atlantic defending movie remakes?

Someone from Sup Forums has to agree with me here - they know the tricks that Sony pulls to trick suckers.

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Fuck off, stop making these threads you fucking shill.

Sony is not that smart.

I'm not shilling anything. I fucking hate Sony.

This is why the only winning move is not to play.

Or just pirate.

Did you read the Sony e-mails? They're not smart enough for that.

>implying they didn't release those to trick the sheeple into thinking they know what's going on
how fucking blue-pilled can you be?

I feel bad for Kristen Wiig her career is going to be killed from this, she's not that bad.

>What if Sony deliberately released a bad trailer to milk more hate that they can turn into a sexism narrative?

You are giving Sony Pïctures way too much credit. Reminder that SP fired their marketing director just days after the international fiasco release of the first Ghostbuster trailer.

>What if the film is actually much better than initially promoted and this is all a set up to make the haters look wrong?

What if I told you that giving Sony Pictures the benefit of a doubt is a huge mistake? I dare you to take a look at the list of movies they've released in the last 4 years without going WTF.

>What if Hollywood is running a campaign to permanently make user criticism irrelevant so it can continue to pump out reboots of beloved classics?

What if you stopped using what ifs? What if there is no conspiracy of this sort? What if Sony Pictures is truly fucked up at it's core? What if you read the sony email leaks to have a genuine verified look at how they ran their business?

There is no conspiracy, Sony Pictures has been managed by mongoloid suits for years. Period. There is no debate about this. Stop being a fucking child user.

with movies, if you build up a bad rap leading up to the release, it shows in ticket sales. You can have an objectively great 10/10 movie, but if you've gotten everyone to hate it with shit marketing, no amount of word of mouth ever is going to save it. Dredd was a good movie, but it could not fight off the reputation of the stallone Dredd.

Yeah, I'm sure the people behind The Emoji Movie are pulling this Keyzer Soze shit.