If you could have the power to:

If you could have the power to:

A) Get anal from any given girl
B) Get head from any given girl
C) Get nudes from any given girl,

Which would you pick?


why's that?

Why the fuck would anyone pick C when you have A or B. And B easily.

i like to fuck things

Nudes is best choice.

Contact a celebrity, get nudes. Get rich.

easy money.

You have a valid point. Didn't think if it that way.

But there's always

>contact a celebrity
>fuck her butt

Head, by a landslide

And you could film that and get rich that way

"user, the mystery buttfucker"


how are the others even a choice for anyone?

nudes = great something to jack off to when i'm not getting any

head = great another slightly better (depending on her skills) way to get off when not getting any

anal = getting any

I'm not sure, but only because I want to maximise for sadism.

So, anons: would you be more upset to see your gf sucking someone else's cock, or taking it up the backside?

Fuck her in the ass. Get head from her. Record it.

Lots of money + head

Cmon guys.

except you have to go meet up with the celeb, its way easier to get nudes from your home and make money.

>would rather stay in his moms basement than go fuck a celeb in the butthole

jesus christ

Good point. Nudes of the Queen, Angela Merckle, Michelle O. The possibilities are endless.

anal sucks anyways

gimmie da n00ds



C) nudes.

Anal is for faggots, and I don't want shit all over my penis.

And for some reason, I don't really like getting head.