ITT - Strange things that you find interesting!
stuff like -
the numbers stations,
the strange pearls left in monks ashes,
the Precolombian "Genetic Disc"
ITT - Strange things that you find interesting!
stuff like -
the numbers stations,
the strange pearls left in monks ashes,
the Precolombian "Genetic Disc"
The genetic disk
pearls from monks ashes
Jews that give herpies to babies
the pearls are nothing special/strange though
Apparently jedis just disappear from in front of you when they're killed. It's totally bizarre.
the flat topped mountain by the Inca lines.
It's the pearls that they melt on their stomachs that are truly fascinating.
whats the deal with this thing
That doesn't happen with every Jedi
Also Jedi is plural
baigong pipes!
That is hilariously fake.
well look at mr. i-have-my-phd-in-sucking-george-lucas-cock
antikythera mechanism is an ancient analogue computer and orrery used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendrical and astrological purposes, as well as the Olympiads, the cycles of the ancient Olympic Games.
Yes. Only aliens could make..pipes..
"why did you travel oh so many light years?"
"bleep blo..sorry, forgot to turn the translator on. You wanna buy some pipes? they're smelted!"
star wars is the best wars
yea, i think more and more that humans were just more advanced in the past than we give them credit for
also image is a hammer found inside rock
spontaneous combustion!
cryptids, night crawlers or skin walkers
unspontaneous combustion
Nigga that's just some M.C. Hammer fans.
The Martian crab monsters
does that real?
Errrrrrrrrr you dont know how to do an image search ?
That almost made me fucking vomit. Horrible waste of lighter fluid
Has to be one that is really one with the force for that to happen.
people think hillary clinton is a good candidate...
Im not convinced there is a light saber in that tube
trumps appeal to the stupid
But but you cant doubt the history channel surely ?
hmmmmmmmmm thats the third time this week do you think Sup Forums is trying to tell me something ?
I do, I'm just fucking lazy. Guess I'll never know.
Some say its a shop but others say its on the NASA site so it cant be
Actually there are 4 6's
You doubt my Satan trips mortal ?
female orgasm and the location of the clitoris.
I hear its on the hidden wiki but I'm afraid to use tor.
>Flat topped mountain
You do realise that the mountain itself isn't a mystery right? It's a simple plateau. The top simple used to be the ground level, and erosion cleared away canals until the only original ground level remains on top of hills.
Jews cut the foreskin of jew babies
then suck their cocks, giving the jew babies jew herpies.
All kidding aside, it's a really weird practice.
I bet my life that rock isn't granit. Because the hammer is not fossilised. It's simple petrification.
Also, we are fairly good at digging old civilisations out of the ground. If there has been high technology a long time ago we would have certainly found it by now.
this is legit. Rabbis suck baby ducks and they dont get arrested for it after.
You cant miss it kid just close your eyes and use the force ( and listen for a sharp intake of breath )
one word: electric lamps described in the pyramids.
look it up.
ducks = dicks
nice try mister troll, last time I tried that her vagine farted in my face.
m i d i c h l o r i a n s
m y
d u d e
Fake as fuck.
Idiot that muscle contraction is what you are looking for it means you are slightly past the right track
I once heard a story that goes like this:
> Commander of some sort of NASA mission goes on radio in really high altittude
> "Hey scientists on the ground, I see a few weird lights up here"
> "Yeah we know, it's nothing"
> Seriosly they are very weird
> Its just sunlight Effects
> Sunlight effects don't fly synchronized
> AwkwardSilence.mp3
> Another voice, now a military guy, goes on radio from earth: "They've always been there, and have never done anything. Go on with the mission"
Anyone knows this?
>one word
Wasn't that buzz aldrin?
Although I keep thinking it was the Russian that had that story. Aldrin however is a firm believer in aliens apparently.
> electric lights in pyramids
Didn't they also find a crude battery?
Apparently Egyptians had a cult of scientist that claimed to be magicians while knowing they were just practicing science.
As far as I know there's this one image that could sort of look like a light bulb if you squint your eyes... An ignore that the thing in the middle is NOT a piece of metal, but a snake.
But no one with a working understanding of egyptology would claim it to be a light bulb. Because it is in fact a depiction of an egyptian creation myth, in which the creator god Atum-Ra, emerges from a lotus flower to create the world.
Pic is so very much related.
And how is "electric lamps described in the pyramids" one word?
Ehh... How can that be legal? Counter to most of Sup Forums I don't have anything in particular against jews, but how the fuck can this be a thing?
Asian high-rise apartment buildings. I fucking love these things.
That is indeed lame evidence. Do you remember the battery by any chance? It was supposedly a jug with a wall inside. Lemon acid in one half, vinegar in the other.
ooh, yes. half-mast already
Just a different culture
> freedom of religion
I always found it unfair that the religion of me does not enjoy the same protection.
> I need to cleanse myself every evening by sacrificing old rich folk to my god
Get in, berniefags, couple, vaping channel
But if you move to Florida you will catch the zika virus
I got yours ready
Nobody is more racist than niggers, but asians are a close second.
The Baghdad battery? The trouble is that we can'treally know what was stored in it and how. And only with a few alterations can it function as a (very low yield) battery. Other explanation have been offered, such as storage of manuscripts and the likes because it looks a lot like storage containers from the same period we know were made for that purpose.
So the trouble is that even though it would be possible (with some alterations) to make a short term, low yield battery out of the object, we have nothing to indicate that this happened.
I won't completely rule out that some ancient clever guy found a way to make this type of battery, although I think it's unlikely. What I do know is that it did not spark an electrical revolution and if it had ever been used as something other than a curiosity, we would have known about it. It is similar to Heron of Alexandria's steam engine in that respect.
The zika virus is gods way to bestow his touch on the chosen few of humanity.
Too bad we fuckers can't keep them alive for long enough or you'd see them evolve incredible powers.
> all hail me or whomever
Please see the irony...
Yup thats why they are good at sports, their fight or flight reflex is highly tuned cos their friends might decide to kill them at any moment
hmmmmmmmmmmm the little head people will have super powers ? If only Bernie had won he would keep them alive
Yeah, I've seen footage from that exhibit. It is cancerously retarded. On level with a creationist museum.
Sounds reasonable enough, I was just wondering if I'd had been debunked or something.
So far I pretty much assumed what you did.
> maybe someone somewhere was really clever once
Although I do believe we lost a lot of knowledge that was important then (build Stonehenge and so on), simply because it was no longer relevant to us and now it seems like an unfeasible tasks.
Bernie went to close to God, claiming he could provide for everyone. Only the Almighty is capable of that, which is why he burned out long before achieving his goals. Much like Icarus, he dared to come too close.
Gaping hole at North Pole
I love the ones that are tall but really skinny
Gaping hole
you can fake/make this easy when the wood in the middle is smaller than the hole in the hammer.
Yes but the almighty mostly gives fish and Bernie promised milk and honey i expect an overly optimistic menu was the cause of him being cast out
yeah that brown one is awesome I would live at the top
I am wet looking to it
Of course, milk and honey must be reserved for the promised land!
Let them eat cake or fish or whatever, just not milk and honey!
I think there is also a problem of the general public underestimating past cultures, rather than historians doing so, which makes some people embrace "ancient alien" theories and the likes.
Because some self-acclaimed 2expert" says that there is "NO WAY people back then could have moved large stones!".
Historians and archaeologist have several theories and models, but there are not as easy to communicate or as definitive as "aliens did it".
>at the top
I'm more of a middle kind of guy...
Wanna go to one of them and have some fun, bbygurl?
Gods not a socialist ?
> History channel explained in one post
> On this side we have the bone dry world renowned scientist that will only state things as fact he knows are extremely likely to be true.
> and on this side we have fucking aliens, wouldn't it be cool?!
i found it interesting that many people think islam is not violance or peacefull.
And when something violance happend they say it was only a missuse of islam.
But there are more than 120 calls for killing in this book and mohammed himself waged much wars (over 70)