This is my usual meal Sup Forums
Guess my weight and BMI
This is my usual meal Sup Forums
Guess my weight and BMI
OVAR 9000
thats fucking gross dude. If youre gonna be a fatfuck at least eat good food.
high protein probably overweight but all MUSCLE
Not enough
If this all he eats then he probably isn't fat at all. It's one piece of bologna dumbass. Obviously very unhealthy and probably starving
That semen is very disturbing and there is clearly a major health issue here. See a specialist as soon as possible.
100% fail
im guessing somewhere around 185, 5'7" to 5'10" and maybe like 18% body fat? I'm no good at guessing this shit.
U r retard who can't even cook, and poorfag because u r eating dog food. Go and eat some nigger dick, it could do better fo' ya
Im 5'7, nowhere close to 185 & 18% is a decent guess
Fat people don't eat that kind of thing, only skinny fags eat it.
You could eat that only once a day and have a BMI of 19 (and be malnourished) or ten pounds a day and be a malnourished landwhale.
I find that very hard to believe that is your entire meal.
But assuming you eat that 3 times a know what fuck it you'd be dead.
Where are you getting this number of 19?
no carbs, so why should you be fat?
Bowel Movement Intensity of about 10.6, I am guessing.
240 lbs
Body Mass Index you fucking inbred
>Bowel Movement Intensity
you have slim fingers so you're not too fat