This is anzu and she lives in turkey

this is anzu and she lives in turkey

say something nice to her

anzu isn't even hot
I want a nice tan turkish girl to lay in the sun with

good one

she is cute

yeah but you can find her kind in russia.

Oi m8, I've got a gift for ya.

don't be rude to anzu


cute anzu is cute

>mfw shes balding

I want to eat your eyeballs, little boy.

no bully

She is very slim. If I fuck him, probably she will die. I love more russian girl with big boobs.

Well, dyeing your hair constantly will destroy it.

no she isn't

stop lying

Damn she is hot

restore Byzantium NOW bitch

since when does Costa Rica give a shit about Constantinople

If I pulled that wig off will she die?

why are her lips drier than a desert? does she know that chapstick exists?

she does not use it because she always licks it off

I want to lick her small tight asshole desu senpai.


i wanr to fig anzu

>implying boys can be this feminine

since conservative christianity

Is she half-Russian? Russian mother something like that?


The next generation of Turks will look mostly like her anyway because millions of Turks are marrying Russian women.

turkish upper classes are oddly very pale, we get plenty of international students from turkey, more than a handful have blondish/hair and coloured eyes and most have very pale skin.

youd be suprised senpai
this is proof, make up can do alot of things 2bh

nice legs, very sexy

Disgusting fingers, does she use makeup on them too?

where's i can see more pic of her?

you're russian. are russian girls really as hot as they say?

i mean a few centuries of recruiting women from the balkans to be in your harem will do that to you

So is this a trap or something? Is he really going bald?



She Christian, Muslim or Atheist/Agnostic?

here are anzu's parents. they don't look russian


These fucking trap loving meme is the most neckbeard thing that ever came out frm this site, is disgusting seeing notmies on facebook claiming "hur dur trapd are not gay", is also the easiest way to spot a fucking failure at life and a disgrace for its parents.

Playtime is OVAAAA

stop posting this

Oops, my hand slipped.

there are brown turkish girls prettier than her
she is just pale titless skeleton without ass

That's make up dumbass. She is not that pale

They look like mexicans, very pretty tho

whatever anzu a shit
also her lips alway look dry, i bet she cant even suck cock and has a dry vagina too, you know anorexic girls tend to suffer from that
another pale turkfu


cocksucking is highly degenerate

I don't think Anzu has a dry vagina

This scene was better desu

fugg, i just imagined this anorexic pale boy sitting on my lap and whispeting lewd things on my ear in turkish


love this meme



What a fucking slut.

That would be extremely painful


It is haram to expose their skin. This is why all good turkish girls are pale.

She's ugly bitch, the t*rkroaches filthy offspring and can't be liked by anyone but pedos

is there any reason in particular for this revival of anzuposting?
not complaining, just curious

nice weeb haircut

Turkish girls are the pinnacle of human race tbqh

looks like a child with some plastic princess wrap around her. Shit nose too, there are others that do a better and less plastic version of this look anywhere in the world.





stop posting this


Constantinople > Izmir

cute turkish girls belong to turkish dicks
but so do cute russian girls
you can have the ugly babushkas


holy shit this. more people need to start shaming these fucking failures

I want anzu to be my gf, but only if she wears makeup all the time. Though I heard she was a lesbian.

she is definitely a lesbian


Death to all turkroaches, racewar now.

Fucking kys

hnng yousef, jamal

Is she balding?


She's good-looking for a turkroach;

The fuck, how did that flag happen?


She is really fucking ugly, if she wasn't so masterful with makeup she would be randum roach.

katyaposting plz

they mostly just fuck and dump them 2bh

Don't you think that you are too far out of Islamic way of life?

Your parents must be ashamed of you.


>not rose

kill yourself my nip

who is rose?

it happens on my phone, I got EU today and Norway yesterday, dunno why

Anzu's Anatolian. Her phenotype is typical in the Black Sea Region (pic related). Her mum looks like she's an actual Ankaran, and her dad is of Black Sea stock, and she takes more after her father.
Her family are Sunni Muslims, but Anzu is a Deist. She leaves her personal affiliation with Islam vague, but we know she's from an Islamic background (like 95% of Turks).

She's pretty much irreligious. She doesn't state it because apostasy from Islam is an enormous taboo. It's better to just keep quite about it even though it's obvious you don't practice.

>Born in Izmir
>Her phenotype is typical in the Black Sea Region
