

Canada fucked it up. They should be Canadans or call their country Canadia.

Australian is obvious.
Canadan sounds retarded.
Americian sounds too close to Americium.

>Leafland - leafs


American is correct because it matches america, canadian is not correct because it doesn't match canada

canadan wouldn't sound retarded if it were the widely accepted word that everyone said



Polan is CUTE

>The Netherlands - Dutch

zitto animale

Because "Americian" would sound different?

>a different word would sound different

No Canadian is correct because we said, just like everything else in the English language

Canadia sounds gay. Canadan sounds dumbs

don't make fun of the United Statians, they don't take to it well


*said so

You want them to be called Amer-ick-ians?

> Argentina
> Argentine

Kanada comes from the French word for 'faggot', so it was originally Kanadienne but English people couldn't write it down so it became 'Canadian'

The French word for faggot is fagot because it's a latin word and Canada came from the Iroquois (or some shit) name for "place we inhabit".

The literal meaning is "where the wife of a man goes to have sex with other men" or rather a 'cuck teepee'.
But Kanada is essentially synonymous with faggot.

Came from a chug word meaning "the village".

ps: Finland sucks at hockey

LOL this Leaf is SO fucking mad right now. He's furious!

Easiest bait of my life

to be fair though the name of the country in english should be Argentine because it's and adjective and it works as a denonym aswell because of that.


*an adjective

I don't understand why some people call you "Argentines". You are from Argentina, so you are "Argentinians".

argentina es un adjetivo, el nombre correcto del pais en inglés es Argentine porque es un adjetivo, y como en castellano, el gentilicio es el mismo que el nombre del pais.
Republica Argentina, una persona argentina.


You tell me

Don't belittle The United Ships of Liberia, user



not finese?

Why are we japanese, not japanian or japanish?

We People of Japan demand that we are politically correct for our English designation.
The designation "Japanese" is suspected of racial discrimination.

Fuck off nip

Yes, we should call you 'nip' from now on. That's not too different from 'nippon', right?

And they're a dumb and gay country so it fits perfect.

We'll call you 11s instead, okay?

Finland - Suomi
Japan - Nipponi

Hmmm, that means you always called Jap?
Good bye Philippines, forever

Why are we called French ? Just seems out of place with all the other names you have for the other nationalities.


Frankrijk (Frankish empire)

No I know, I mean in English, dummy


The e with two dots on it doesn't even exist in the Dutch / Flemish language. Belgians literally cannot even write their own country's name with their own alfabet.
