Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


still here


Dubs confirms. Lewds nao.


I can make alts. Steam takes anything as an email. Just need to make sure I tone down a little on skill, been called a hacker even with my main.


Still chilling


It's going! OW servers kinda down so, meh.

how are you?"

We..we're shipped now?

are they really getting ddos'd?

>dekomori claim desu~


Happy, actually.

Well my waifu's been around for quite a number of years, so it's not a surprise there's so much of her.
>Lovecraft is pretty neat

I guess so!
>RX-7s galore
>Cheap 3000GTs
What the...

this all seems very opinionated and I hate opinions

They are.

You can check their twitter, they tweeted about it some minutes ago.

I mean if you dont want to we dont have to

Still around. Luckily.

ok well thats good i think. as long as you have fun

Saber claim
Erased was a beautiful anime
Medium rare please

mandatory cc claim



Coming right up.

No i want this

fug dood.
I just wanna play some OW


nobody also shit talk fallout and let me play in peace its the one game I still have fun with


Best Swordsman.

Bummer, how long until a fix? Doing fine myself, enjoying the day with music.

(insert feet joke here)

Is that so? I'll try and find out who your waifu is when I have the time.

Thanks. Hopefully you have fun with whatever you do.

Is the yuri happening?

I've seen tagg play Fallout. He got the doggo stuck in the elevator and it glitched the game.

Erased was quite good, one of my favorites. You ever watched Ping Pong: The Animation?

Feet of my dreams

The stories were terrible and railroady as fuck, you were just a glorified sidekick in both of them with very little actual freedom. Add in a completely nonsensical approach to world building and insistence on not having any sort of thematic substance and you get why people dislike 3 & 4.

Versus 1 that has much better world building, actual pacing that new Vegas brought back, 1 & 2 didn't have shit quest markers, much much more freedom and depth in missions and much higher influence from character builds, this made repeat playthroughs actually different because you could do quests differently instead of just maybe a choice at the end.

Finally, not a single Bethesda game has had anything close to a remotely decent final encounter, new Vegas was alright, especially with speech but wasn't near the master.

So do I!

I am on a loyal ship now!

Nope I've heard good things about it

>I figured out the murderer by episode 6

Best Nichi, i finally have art and dont feel like a degenerate

Best idol, I printed money today, too bad i cant print out good feels

>is the yuri happening

No idea, but it would happen right after i start playing with anons from waifu.



Your reaction images will never match mine

Took me a bit to piece things together.



Doll claimed.

4 just wasn't fun for me, and looking back any fun I had with 3 seems to just be nostalgia. I think obsidian just handled everything better than bethesda could.

Oh for fuck sake

Yep. Yeah my one certainly did in mocks anyway. It is, and I'm no zoologist.

Fair enough, I'm sure they'd show you some extra appreciation for sparing them the burden.

You got a Winston Maki in there? A lot more than I'd have thought there would be. Yeah it'll be a good time.

Yo Mugen

That's a fair enough point. Mines been around for about a year and 3-4 months, just surprises me that people stick religiously to the source material.
>Not that I mind the source material
>Not that this stops the inflationists and futa crowd (why)

Is that good or bad?

Thanks for the artist on pixiv got 42 images now.
>Had a fair bit of good lewd too pic related
>Don't know if you saw my previous comments

Yeah fallout New Vegas was the best fallout since the original two hope obsidian does anothrr

Thankfully from what I've gathered, people here post and act like she doesn't exist and the two who are around here who knew me back then don't seem to notice either. You seem like a good user which is nice to still see here, I guess. Please don't pursue anything unnecessarily.

Funny from someone who describes games with "the story is awesome" and claims to love them, seems like some hot ignorant opinions.

I need to rewatch R1, Akito and R2 in chronological order some time.


I'm pleased to hear that. You're pretty kind yourself, makes me forget you don't post pics.

I'm back from dinner. How's everyone?

Yes sorry I didn't respond I got so caught up in 7 days

That picture is actually the one I found on gelbooru and from there found the pixiv

Same. Ping Pong is second favorite anime, number one belonging to Non Non Biyori. I'd highly recommend watching that shit man, the art style makes it even better.
>wew that art style, best on any anime i've watched

yeah its got glitches just hate people who say hurr new Vegas was betterdurr

the first to looked bleh as it was top down once it gave you third person it was much better and honestly I dont see the difference in story for any of them I just want to play as the bad guys!

oh christ what is the difference all of them are post apocalypse games honestly new Vegas was my least fav as i hate cowboy westerner crap

ha ignorant what about you everything you posted is an opinion not a fact

everyone stop fucking with my happiness I can play 4 and enjoy it if I want leave me alone

Yeah it's fine I'm used to you replying that's why I asked

Really? I guess I should start searching harder to find a jackpot like that

Speaking of old games would you recommend planescape torment I've heard alot of it but I don't know if it's worth it. Being a Black Isles game I would assume so

Na, i wont even try to compete. Nichi is a goldmine of reactions. Im just glad i found some decent art, i can never find anything good

Heyo, whats up

Tulpabro claiming my broken angel.

You're pretty smart, and were always fun to talk to.
>this should make it obvious only to you
This place was kind to me for awhile. I guess it's a combination of sentimentality as well. I'm happy to see that the anons are still for the most part friendly in here, truly I am.


I'm doing swell, you?

I only ever had Rainbow Six, so I can't say anything

I'm only happy that people call my waifu seasonal since there's not gonna be a war over her.

I'm out anons. Catch ya guys at 8.

Oh yes so perfect!

Bretty good, playing some GTA V at the moment.

im going to be doing this in some time.
i don't like watching something and having to stop out of no where.

do you wanna watch at the same time?
idk how we would do this but it could be fun.

You're perfect, never leave me.

have a mildly lewd.

Hey there.
>see you've found a lover
>what is this, your 7th?

see you later

I'll see you around, user. Or maybe not.

Knowing that this is the type of person who defends 3 and 4 makes me feel good. Enjoy your [sarcastic yes] bad guy I suppose.

Quests being a lot more linear, skills doing less outside stats and there being less dialogue options in 4 is fact.

Game not letting you actually side and join any organization is fact.

Less variety in weapons is fact.

Less factions is fact.

All these things adding up to a worse rpg is opinion based on facts, something you've never tried before I guess.

Was glad to hear that at first, then what little bit of soul I had left was ripped out my body. Can you print something out in the middle?

Kek'd, how ironic. Eh hopefully it's no too long.

Sounds like a really based guy. Heh, neither am I but we can always make a simple Veen diagram.

That's the plan, gotta treat em right.

Pffft, I'm not sure how that'd even look, kinda curious now. So did I, only ones I have, although the McCree one is just wordplay. Think there's any of Doll? No doubt, fun times.

Im yet to watch Akito and its bothering me because downloaded and taking disk space for a while now.
It took me too long to be called that.


I wont leave ya! What happened to our clothes??

I love everyone!

I do believe it's been 11 years since the first arcade game came out with mine.
>Inflation and futa
For what purpose...

It's good because cheap awesome cars! Bad, because I'm broke after yesterday.

Claiming this cutie
>chibi edition

lmao Overwatch is completely fucked
There's so many people flooding in the servers are fried or something. You get put in a queue and people are getting randomly kicked, including from their ranked game

Sakura is mine, motherfuckers

still a good game so fuck off oh look how smart I am im right and you are wrong. guess ill just stop playing the game I like and play new Vegas cause its better tired of you people all you are doing is going against me for no reason

Anyways, how's it going.


I really REALLY need to play the original two again

>I fucking sold both of them for sheckles to buy a ps3 back years ago. My only regret was that I sold my favorite two games

Shygal Claimed.

I'm back, what's new?

I may or may not have spent quite an amount time on "saber yuri rating:explicit"

Oh yes definitely, it is one of the absolute classics for a reason.


>nothing's never new


The longer the wait, the better it feels when it finally does happen, right? I know I can relate.



Danbooru or Gelbooru?

Alright I'll get right to it when I get the chance

Sorry best, i had to do it. Na, its just money sadly. We can invent a machine for printing those good feels




they're ripped desu~

I hope its not that long, might be a little while before they're stable though.




Yeah i heard
Some people got angry they got banned
>B-but I was just using a bot. How dare you Blizzard
Seriously check this and have a laugh

Well Overwatch got new loot and is currently being DDos'd so it's quite the hassle but nothing else much


same old same old


Roll for stella lewds

>Nobody acknowledged the Tulpa user.
You did good for a change Sup Forums

Sure they're all post apocalyptic games, but that doesn't change the fact that the worlds/stories are built differently from game to game. And in my opinion, New vegas felt more fleshed out than 4 or 3.

Nothing wrong with enjoying 4 more than new vegas if you want, it's your opinion, but you literally asked for my opinion on why I prefer new vegas to 4, and I gave it. That's all. Enjoy what you want man. Just don't get defensive when people disagree.

Nothing much, just laying in bed waiting to sleep. You?

He was. Venn diagrams solve everything.

Treat em right long into the night.

I'm kinda just imagining Winston with Maki's hair slapped on top of him. Nah there wouldn't be any of the Doll, I can rectify that with MS paint though. I'm sure they will be.

Fuck that's a long time...
Because evil is a real thing in the world.
Why do that to yourself?! Just tape your eyes shut!

>Chibi edition ^
Kyuoko was saying theres a DDOS going on


Liking a shit game is fine, having so little critical thinking you think it's a good game and spouting that opinion can and will get people to challenge that opinion.

How you react and defend your judgment is what makes or breaks it here, considering you have retarded arguments like "the notoriously terrible story is really good" and that's where it starts getting dubious, fallout 4 is terrible because it absolutely fails at what it's supposed to be, both as a fallout game and an rpg, it fails that by having the character stats gutted in story, making all quests aggressively linear and having shit for world building. 4 words describe fallout 5, they just did not care.

