White people celebrating pleb culture/heritage again

>white people celebrating pleb culture/heritage again

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I always thought she was part Latin American, or was that Victoria?

Anyway, she was way qter before

>what's your nationality
i thought her nationality was USA
soon Trump will kick her out?

That's what happens here as well, if you aren't clearly anglo people will ask you what's your nationality

>Latin American
She is from Florida so I guess so

>from 2011


what if he replies "i'm Ozzie mate", you ask him for his papers?

>Arianna Grande

You can look at her and see she is not. Even if she was, after fucking Big Sean, The Weeknd, and now the wigger, Mac Miller, she can't come back.

>muh heritage

Why can't Americans just be Americans?

There needs to be a formal racial separation in regards to white Americans and white everyone else, nobody in other countries pulls this shit, and the ubiquity of American entertainment and culture means that it's applied as a blanket statement to normal whites too

No wonder she likes big dicks, she's used to big Sicilian cocks.

>1,53 m
>48 Kg

Ariana """Grande"""

It's not like Australia had a big influx of Germans and Italians you faggot

We had like 10 major Euro nationalities immigrating en masse and it remained a part of their identity

>that post
>that flag

why are all americans dumb, ill informed, and stubborn?

Fuck off ten pound pom twat



>We had like 10 major Euro nationalities immigrating en masse
but then they all fucked with each other. you're mixed as f

Mate Germans and Italians are two of the most populated non-Brit group in Australia.

>half sicilian and half abruzzese
>literally the same ethnic

So that bitch is a MUH HERITAGE fag?

Isn't that common with non-african american?

Partly, sure. There are still regions that have stayed fairly one or the other, and at most a mix of two.

let's be relative here

no one cares about your tiny meme Italian minority which settled in Bogaloogawogg or whatever

Even African Americans are MUH HERITAGE FAGS

>1 million each

>17 million

that really isn't saying much

Compared to other blacks, hence the name African-American. Carribean, Latin Americans, and Africans look at them like, to paraphrase Tropic Thunder "You're American! Be American" But only the Hoteps/Woke ones are insufferable. youtu.be/SDwj1Gn1fZc

u do realize it's just a stupid fake tan? she used to look normal and white.

Until she got some black dick

she used to be cute ;_;

she still is

nah she's ugly now and is dumb and has a bad personality

and every one of her songs is DUDE I GOT FUCKED SO HARD LMAO

>more makeup than the average Korean guy or girl
>trashy brown/black hair mix
I don't think so.

I don't know what makes this particular brand of hair color dye mix a magnet for trashy whores.

The worst part is that they're not taught anything about their actual heritage in school, at least not in my state. I was legitimately never presented with a map of where the slaves came from in Africa until college. 99% of African Americans probably could not tell you that most slaves came from what is now Nigeria. Not even during black history month do we focus on Africans IN AFRICA, it's all about African Americans in America. The narrative in schools is basically, "There was slaves, then there was a civil war to free them, then they invented peanut butter".

I hate to sound like an SJW, but it really is bad that we're taught this narrative that African American history begins with slavery. If we took like a week in high school US history to say, "Most slaves were from west Africa, where ethnic groups like the Igbo and Yoruba and Ashanti existed and here's a map of their pre colonial kingdoms and some basic facts about them," that would be great. I'm sure it'd end the WE WUZ shit too.

>i am 1/4th italian 1/4 navajo 1/4 guatemalan and born in america

why do people fucking do this? it's usually the whitest of white people who do it too.

White people have no identity because they're not taught values during childhood, this leads to them becoming drug addicts as teenagers, getting a gender studies major and becoming transsexuals

angry virgin detected

Closest they can get to looking like a nigress to attract BBC

Woops, I meant to reply to , not the flip

I'm greek

>I hate Americans *licks a cupcake she didn't pay for*

nah, fuck her

>White people have no identity because they're not taught values during childhood
Maybe that's true in leafland because you legitimately have no identity (outside of Quebec at least). The majority of Americans are raised with a religious identity and values.

Maybe flyover States Billy Bob, but the whole West coast is like that.

It's like they hate being american and have to convince themselves they're something else.

The vast majority of Americans are still Christian.

Rest of the USA pretty much hates and mocks the Left Coast

what's funny is that west coast is full of hideous nasty mexicans and they're all devout catholics


There are only 4 races in Australian; Aussie (i.e. white), Wop, Oriental and Abo.

Aussies are descended from British "pom" settlers. Wops are various olive coloured darkies; Italians, Lebanese, Greeks, all of which are entitled to fuck off back to their olive oil, sundried tomato, hummus chomping primitive homelands. Orientals are all the Chinkies, Hindoos and Pakis invading Australia; they are even worse than Wops and are either Communists or Islamists. The Abos are a marsupial species that achieved humanoidness through convergent evolution; though like everything native to Australia, it's a bit retarded and fucked.

t. what Australians have told me on Sup Forums.

She said she was also part Greek and North African once

> part Greek and North African
i.e. Sicilian

Goddamn I hate non-anglos.

It's "wog", user.

Wog is negroes, Wop is brown people (some of which falsely believe they are white, such as Italians and Greeks).

I know what I'm talking about, Bruce. Fuck off.

>some of which falsely believe they are white, such as Italians and Greeks

Wop is a Yank term.

>pleb culture
why "pleb" culture? care to elaborate?


t. Antonio di Lampedusa
t. Markos Grigoropoulos


I'm not shitalian.
you need to go back, that's all.

>Wop is brown people (some of which falsely believe they are white, such as Italians and Greeks).
typically ignorant "theory" of somebody from a zero-culture country

ariana grande is pureblooded spaghettinigger and she's not white


what is "white" and why Italians aren't?
care to link some academic research?

white is a retarded term that americans invented, now it translates into "of european descent".
stop talking to him, that's what fuels this retards.

because pointing to a map in Europe and saying "Muh grandpa's land" seems fun

t. Acer Saccharum


It's Kang Barbosa to you, leaf.

dumb leaf

you are right it's a bullshit that popped out from nothing in the colonial era
i didn't really mean the zero-culture stuff btw

Fucking scum southerners, mooching off us for centuries. We Northerners built this fucking country, fuck her.

>an irishman
>a literal potato savage calling moorsavages a leech

you were cavemen prior to british colonization patrick o'leahy

What did you just say to me you fucking syrup sipping, moosefucking fanook? My people fucking made the western world, we made gangster movies, pizza, coffee etc. you would be eatting fucking gruel without Italian cuisine.

What the fuck have Canadians produced besides bareback lumberjack gay porn?

Do you fellas suppose she's still a virgin?

Ah, what am I saying? She's got to be.

Wait for me, my love, I'm coming.

That's what you think

Clearly a lily-white virgin, and I'm going to crack that hymen.

Those lips.

real italian americans are on average wealthier than wasps today

Lmao you've only ever been kept afloat by EU bux, Poland and other charity cases actually produce and export something other than annoying drunken tourists.

It depends on the group.
Italian and Irish immigrants were treated like shit so they never ventured far from their homes.

WTF I love Grande now!?!

Who ever said I'm Italian American? I'm pure blooded and raised in Italy. Notice the flag, Italian, not American.


wtf i hate ariana grande now

At least our country is relevant :^)

Spanish started it, desu.
Used to troll indios by showing off their blue veins.

LITERALLY (not figuratively) perfect.

>New Worldians
Extreme Cringeâ„¢

that means she does analingus

Dude, she dated a black rapper, cheated on him with the most degenerate R&B singer, and is now dating a white rapper.

The Weeknd song, "The Hills" is about the affair

I thought she was a spic.

That's always the excuse for everything. And according to some people here everyone in Finland apparently hates Helsinki

No it ain't

t. Washington

>he think itsn't just drama set by each record company

I want to lick her armpits

t. Ciro Chittemmuorto

she's a sexy kitten for sure

Hello Sup Forums neckbeard!

The Weeknd is degenerate by any standard. Have you actually listened to his music?