Man it's a hot one

>man it's a hot one

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dude it's like 30 degrees outside shut the fuck up

awesome album famalam

kill yourself hideous asshole

I remember hating this song even when i was a kid

Wow there is nothing more I would rather be doing than listening to Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas

contrarian tween detected, pity there aren't enough people in this thread for your to get your meeme opinion validated lad

pity that your life sucks so bad that u have to listen to santana ft. rob halford "smooth"

>rob halford
>not rob thomas

purely plebeian

haha nice reaction image my boy!

kill yourself you cretin

do you even listen to music, because you don't seem to know much on the topic, or to have much taste to speak of

lmao because i dont like mexican blues man and matchbox twenty guy?

i remember hearing smooth on the radio when i was 10 and thinking it was garbage

time to grow up boy

you don't need to try so hard, it's pretty obvious you're a tween who wants more than anything to belong and to be accepted


that's my birth date

your taste still sucks

how can anyone argue these points?

I'm listening to this song trying not to laugh

This is one of my favourite songs of all time. Super under rated, and mostly forgotten.

It's a grammy award winning single featuring Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty off the multi-platinum album Supernatural, of course it's good

I forgot about this song, matchbox 20 along with goo goo dolls give me strange middle school feels.

Reminds me of being carefree and yearning to grow up. Now I find myself wanting to go back

Ummmm I think you might be thinking of a different song.

I would just like to point-out that he's singing into the WRONG side of a nice vintage Sennheiser MD409. They even fucking label the mic with "front" so you know which end does business. Mo-ron.

You responded to the OP who was quoting Smooth. Get your shit together.

Ooooops I see now, forgive me I'm retarded.
I was responding to Rob in general, not that specific moment in his life. I was talking about the song I posted.......but I think you got all that now......I think I got it now too. I'll try to be a better person user. lol Have a nice night

