Fucken How ya going from Australia where it's currently 40 degrees

Fucken How ya going from Australia where it's currently 40 degrees

>tiny beer
let me guess, Melbourne?

2°C right now


why such a small beer m8?

Sydney, newtown

>Australians will never know the feeling of staying inside on a cold winter's night

It's a thick schooner mate was 7 bucks prettt alright,

I envy you right now

Some jungle asian is outside cutting my lawn.

Should I get him a cup of water or something? I feel bad desu.

Which pub? I'm on my way to kick your arse

Don't recognise the pub, mustn't be on King Street. Also:
>Winnie the Blue
>cost savings

jesus christ

You people are doing it wrong, you want small beers so you can finish them before they warm up, only plebs and teenagers nurse large beers into a broth.

Buzzbar son

Enjoying a nice jar of reese's PB out the front

I am on THE way

didn't you just eat 3 of those?

>Seppo baby food
Fuckin' yuck.

This is my 4th

dutch heritage

slow down big guy