"I'd sooner kiss a nigger."

"I'd sooner kiss a nigger."
"I can arrange that."

I find your nigger of faith disturbing. -Darth Vader

"Don't try to frighten us with your nigger ways, Lord Vader." --Admiral Motti to Vader

LUKE: Look, I can't get involved. I've got work to do. It's not that I like the Empire; I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now... It's all such a long way from here.

OBI-WAN: That's your nigger talking.


Beep whistle boop nigger beep beep boop

Son of a bitch beat me to it

"Remember, a Jedi can feel the nigger flowing through him."

This nigger is your life!


"Scruffy looking nigger-herder."

"Luke, I am your nigger."

Meesa sucka big doo doo this time
-jar jar

Chewie, take care of the nigger for me.

may the nigger be with you

C-3PO (Return of the Jedi): I’m rather embarrassed, General Solo, but it appears that you are to be the main nigger at a banquet in my honor.

"Use the nigger Luke"

Chooba jeeki da Nigger HO HO HO.

"These aren't the niggers you're looking for"

I used to bull's-eye niggers in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters. - Luke to Wedge


Tell Jabba I'll have his nigger

The Nigger Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be… Unnatural.

"Help me Obi-Wan, you are my only nigger"

From my perspective, the nigger(s) are evil.

It's a nigger


The force can have a strong influence on the nigger

Threepio, shut down all niggers on the detention level!

Aren't you a little nigger to be a storm trooper?

The sand niggers are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in greater numbers.

"too accurate for sand niggers"

"You have failed your highness. I'm a nigger, like my father before me."
Luke Skywalker to The Emperor

Beep nigger beep- r2d2

"I find your lack of niggers disturbing."

now that's what i call nigger racing

"You were supposed to destroy the niggers not join them!"

"You were my nigger, Anakin! I loved you."
-Obi wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker

"This nigger is now the ultimate power in the universe!"

"Don't be too proud of this technological nigger you've constructed."

Lando's Not A System. He's A Nigger.

These blast points, too accurate for sand niggers...

"Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battlenigger!"

"You nigger scum!"

that nigger.... it belongs to me! -Kylo

"I hate niggers. They're rough and coarse, and they get everywhere. Not like you."

A fucking plus, user.

"So be it. Nigger." The Emperor to Luke, just before electrically whipping the everloving fuck out of him.

Rockin, rockin and rollin’. Down to the beach I’m strollin’. But the niggers, poking my head, Not Fun! I said niggers, MMH! Stop it now.

More likely than hearing "nigga, i am your father"

"I used to bullseye niggers in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters." -Luke Skywalker

"It's a Nigger!"

these arent the niggers you are looking for

Mmm. Lost a nigger, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing.

What I really need is a droid that understands the nigger language of moisture vaporators

'You truly belong with us here among the niggers' - Lando

"As a token of my good will, I offer you a gift: these two niggers. Both are hard-working and will serve you well."

"I'm outta this nigger, you bastaaaaaaaaaaaaard!"
~Lou Skywalker

"And I thought niggers smelled bad, on the outside..."

I lost my bananas. Simple yet elegant.

Her resistance to the nigger is considerable. - Vader

Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational nigger station!

You know of the Rebellion against the niggers?


"It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you old nigger. What's the cargo? "
-Han Solo to Obi-Wan Kenobi

The nigger. Resisted YOU???

just like shooting niggers back home

"It takes a little more than being held by nigger to make me excited."

You'll never find a more wretched hive of niggers and villainy

Nigger says he's the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a resident of these parts. And it's a private message for him.

No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no niggers. You can't possibly... - Leia

"Don't worry pal, you'll be back home celebrating nigger day before you know it!"

"Mos Nigger spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

The map to Skywalker. We know you found it, and now you're going to give it to the Nigger Order.

But uncle Owen, I was going to Tosche Station to pick up some nigger converters!

Use nigger force, Luke

"Niggers, disgusting creatures" - C3PO

"But sir! The odds of successfully navigating a nigger field are 3,720 to one!"

When you look at the nigger side, careful you must be ... for the nigger side looks back.

And Han Solo... You feel like he's the nigger you never had? He would have disappointed you.

When 900 years old, you reach… Look as nigger, you will not. -Yooo Da

When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the nigger.

I... I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate niggers!

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and niggery

"Will they die?"
"Difficult to see. Always niggers the future is."

Kylo Ren: So, you still want to kill me?
Rey: That happens when you're being hunted by a nigger in a mask.

oh god why


Han Solo: Take off that mask, you don't need it.
Kylo Ren: What do you think you'll see if I do?
Han Solo: The face of my nigger.

Nigger: "You have lost" Emperor: "Nigger, NIGGER YOU WILL DIE!"

the fucking best


Princess Leia Organa: [shocked] No! Alderaan is peaceful, we have no niggers. You can't possibly—

A knee slapper!

They can't have disappeared!

No ship that small has a nigger device.

top zozzle

[Vader after hearing Padme has died]


It's an older nigger sure, but it checks out.

Just pissed myself a little

"Meesa called Nigger Binks!"

Yeah, that's what I thought. Niggers. Chewie, check the rest of the ship, make sure there aren't any more attached. They're chewing on the power cables.

Your niggers can deceive you; don't trust them

Obi-wan Kenobi