>Old friends are either finished or finishing University and getting wealthy
>I'm still a dumb neet
The neet life isn't as great as people claim.
>Old friends are either finished or finishing University and getting wealthy
>I'm still a dumb neet
The neet life isn't as great as people claim.
>hasn't worked
You have no fucking idea how much you'll miss NEETdom.
>Old friends are all unemployed engineers
>I'm still in grad school
I have
And it's far better than being a neet who has no money for anything. I need a job again, this is suffering
>One friend is in the national guard
>Other isn't doing anything with his life, living off his gf
>Both are race traitors
>Meanwhile I'm graduating this semester and planning to live a nice life in solitude
Does that make you less of a traitor?
>tfw 19 y.o
>all friends are normie scum
>getting good edu for neat profession and already know 2 languages except native
>all friends are facebook-tier dumbasses, they know nothing, but already lost virginity
Feels good to be a nerd 2bh
How? It makes you a pussy moderate if anything
How are they race traitors if you intend to live in solitude
My childhood friends are married with kids. I'm only 25.
do you even know what I'm talking about? I literally mean they're dating non-whites.
>all white people without children presently or in the perpetual future are betraying their race by not creating half-breeds
OK, dude.
>number of white children they pass on to future generations: 0
>number of white children you pass on to future generations: 0
And how are you keeping up the racewar?
You're doing nothing either. At least they're enjoying hedonistic lives. You're just doing neither, and not fighting for any cause.
this is me.
>be asian
>hypercompetitive smart asian extended family
>going to ivy leagues and working for big banks and corporations and racking up assets in their 20s
>meanwhile i'm unemployed with a science degree
But I'm less of a problem because I'm not contributing more non-whites to the world. And it's not to say I won't end up finding a nice white lass (who am I kidding), it was a just some light-hearted food for though t b h
Here-here Asian bro.
if it helps. i'm fucking mad my student loan payment of 600 a month for a 60k loan with ridiculous interest is about to start.
the interest rate has been hiked up way above inflation, i'm the government would jew me this hard.
>all my friends are chill laid back bros that haven't lived the crippling loneliness and anxiety of being by themselves thousand of kilometers away from home.
i want to get off this ride
>race traitors
Says the furry subhuman.
meant for
No co op? Workstudy? That's like full tuition and living expenses for 4 yrs
Good shit
yeah i did 5 years because of my program.
workstudy and shit ended and hiring market is fucked. i literally do not know anybody who graduated get a good job, except if they did business or CS.
living the dream. grad school is literally the most comfortable life. work isn't super stressful and you control your own hours.
Smh senpai
You in Ontario?
...is that illegal content? pls delet
what the fuck poland
Because if you get competitive good job you have little time for other things grey or white collar.
Like I know a tradie and he's pretty much busy teaching and he is running his own business at the same time and he has no time for anything. Used to be a master Neet and only got a job for the sake of providing for his then 7 year old dog who since hit 15 and took his final walk. He's working for nothing but he can't go back because he's built up so much so he's stuck really.
would you?
Honestly I'd rather do anything meaningful than have too much free time but no purpose or meaning
Being a neet is like spiritual suicide. Yeah you got free time but no money to utilize it, no dreams, nothing to live for really
a wild pedopole appears
your ban evasion skills continue to amaze me
>was a really good student, one of the top students in high school
>Chad type guy ridiculed me everyday
>mom told me that one day he'd work for me
>feel okay knowing one day, I'll pull out on top for sticking to my studies and treating others with respect
>end highschool, become deeply depressed
>become a neet, stuck in a depressive rut
>meanwhile Chad that bullied me is a bartender, made enough to buy a new Dodge Challenger
>gets married
>starts his own brewing buisness, has a massive house and a kid now
>I'm a dumb neet
>applying to jobs
>get one call back for a warehouse helper
>it's the Chad
>he pretends not to remember me when I mention we went to school together
>didn't get the job
>I don't even have the privilege of working for minimum wage for the person that bullied me
looks how beautiful she is, gorgeous
"Chad will work for you" biggest lie ever.
Chad is the CEO and Founder of the business you work for.
oh lordy lord
>he's still posting
>its been twenty minutes
>tfw I once got banned for making a roll post in a /brit/ thread
How old is she, Czcibor?
Chad sounds like a cool guy.
>having old friends
fuck you, immodest braggart
Should I do the bridging program at UofT?
I don't want to be a neet anymore
prepare to get v& for clicking on it
the Internet companies can see that you enlarged the picture
>Old friends are graduated doctors, already doing internships, social service, fucking bitches, having children and shit
>im still at med school, 1 year to graduate and KV
yeah i heard that's good, i know a few people who did it in their late 20s.
if you are just focused on school and getting out uoft is good because its a pure commuter school with fucktons of opportunities. basically just felt like work going there. don't go there if you want a community/student life.
classes are hard curved to a c+/b- average though, but it doesn't matter about grades if you do a program where you learn useful stuff you can use for real jobs. goodluck!
why are there so many mexicans in medical school?
literally half of the mexicanons just complain about medical school here.
its only me lad
Should I do ILC or that bridging program
I kinda wanted real University experience™ so I wanted to go to a party school like Queens or Western and get fucked up with my bros and build meaningful connections.
Would I stick out like a sore thumb?
And yeah I heard the marking is retarded
Literally impossible to get a high GPA because of that shit. And you're competing with Chang Zhu Lou the prodigy from Beijing
These are legal in Japan.
My old friends are happy, so I don't really feel bad
nobody parties past 2nd year, people i know who did usually ended up flunking/shitgrades/doing nothing with themselves. honestly better to just focus on school and casually drink at a bar every weekend.
uoft is great because you can find your own niches and groups but hanging out with 18 year olds is pretty lame. use to do freshman counselling/leading and boy are they a world apart from everyone else at the school.
GPA isn't ridiculous but 1st and 2nd year courses are hard because of curving.
its easy to do if you have good studying habits though.
lame, it's like you don't even want to get banned
Can some fellow canadians here redpill me on Waterloo? Is it any good?
yes, top quality school in a really rich area. some of canada's best minds are faculty there.
tonnes of asians/indians though, if you hate dealing with international students oh boy you are going to have fun.
True senpai.
My dream would be getting into Queen's Commerce tho, but I gave up when I realized what cut-off for previous years was and also how much volunteering you need
I think I may just do whatever I can get at this point.
Honestly was considering BBA at Laurier too. Seems like super underrated program at a subpar school with a nice co-op program
but they can see I enlarged my benis? :DDD
Thanks man, i hope international students are not as bad as permanent immigrants because i've had some really bad experiences with chinese on canada, holy mole
honestly, queens and UWO are quite over-rated. i remember friends use to stress out about that in highschool but literally nobody cares when you actually are in 3/4th year or graduate.
work experience is way better/important than grades too in business. laurier is good too, i had a friend go there and work for a bank afterwards.
chinese-canadians are normal mostly, international students act and behave completely different than everyone else.
the city is good though but mexicans will get bullied by the rich white people who live in Kitchener formerly known as Berlin.
Yes :DD
Only BBA/econ seems good there tho
Otherwise school is tremendously subpar in everything else
yeah. undergrade doesn't matter much if you standout though unless its from a super shit school like brock/laurentian/etc. if you go there and absolutely do well, befriend your professors, etc. you will do well.
Sounds fun, never been bullied in my life, got to brush up on my german swear words
i'm joking lol, people are nice there. also has oktoberfest.
>TFW too retarded to do well
Maybe I really should revisit my old prospects of being a career criminal or a welder or some shit
Feels like people like me are only meant for
>finished uni
>now in fourth year of shit phd program
>probably won't even get a job if i finish
pretty much everyone my age is either in a long term relationship, married, and/or has kids already.
nah just do commerce. a commerce degree guarantees you a pretty comfy job.
gotta believe in yourself user.
does your country just subsidize unemployed people?
if it did i would fucking signup but no, north americans have to pull themselves up or get fucked.
I feel too retarded man
Idk if I got a brain tumor or something but I feel way too stupid and have lots of difficulty with learning and memory. Might have literal brain tumour
yes, under certain conditions
>go to doctor
>get adderall
i did this for 5 years. it worked.
damn, no wonder abdulaziz from algeria wants in.
More like an MRI
Something is not right
Fug :DDD
shitskins from all the world profit from the generosity of France
shame. i love france and think they contributed greatly(minus wars) to my parent's region (south east asia).
fucking commies reeeeeee
i am also too intelligent to lose my virginity
>Just turned 21 in December
>Going to community college to be an electrician
>Took a semester off to work at an animal shelter
>They fired me after only a few months, haven't been able to find work since
>Need to take 3 more classes in a certain order before I get certified
>The first class isn't available until the fall semester, so I have to take shitty general education and elective classes until then
>Parents are paying for it, I was going to help pay for it myself but then I got fired
>Most of my friends who were the same age as me are in Uni, while the younger ones are just now entering college
>Feel like a lazy piece of shit because I've mostly been sitting on my ass, playing Battlefront, and browsing this site
>Even my older brother (23) lives with his girlfriend and he's been working at Sam's Club for a few years now
>Lift every day, but it still doesn't stop me from making me feel like shit every day
>Know that I'm still in a better position than a lot of people on this site but I'm still terrified at the idea of turning 25 and still living at home
I'm probably going to be okay, but I'm still scared of what the future brings.
me 3
same user. fear is what guides us and pushes us to better things though.
I know your feels almoat exactly