ITT: Godtier netflix series

ITT: Godtier netflix series

just finished walking dead and need something else to watch.

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Stranger Things is one of the best I've seen in a while. Only 8 episodes atm though. Good soundtrack too

Check out ascension, stranger things, and my fave, black mirror.
>black mirror season 3 oct 21 2016


Check stranger things, ascension, and my fave black mirror

Season 3 black mirror coming oct 21 2016

season 1 gud
2 passable
3 shite
4 back 2 gud

>any star trek
>black Mirror
>bojack horseman
list goes on and on. theres some pretty decent anime on there too

Sherlock Holmes is a good watch, only 3 seasons a each being made up of 3-4 episodes of 1:30 minutes

Try "Narcos"

There's only one season right now, but it's a really great series about the agents that took down Pablo Escobar. Worth the watch, and second season comes out on September 7, so WEEEEEEEE

stranger things is probably good but i dont like scary stuff
ascension looks good I like scifi
firefly was good
not a huge fan of anime
never seen the star trek with the bald guy, i might watch that. i've only seen the ones with kirk


A friend of mine started me out on DS9 then i watched TNG and then enterprise. stay away from voyager, its dildos

stranger things isn't very scary. its really worth watching despite some of the ugliest child actors to ever grace the screen.

idk i get scared easy

i think i might watch star trek

I've heard Black Mirror is similar to Stranger Things. Is that about accurate?

Watch Flash and Daredevil if you're into superhero shows.

Narcos for sure.

is daredevil the one about the blind guy?
i think i saw the movie a long time ago it wasnt very good

Nah the series. Much better than the movie.

second season with punisher is baddd assszzz

Would recommend dexter

thanks for the suggestions everyone. I'll decide which one of these to watch

Is better call saul on netflix? I watched the first season of that and had the 2nd season on my dvr but then it shit out and apparently it hasn't played the 2nd season again cause I still only have like the last 4 episodes.

Star Trek would be good to watch tbh. There is a shit ton of episodes so its sure to keep you busy for a while.

I think the first season is

The movie is a literal 2/10 garbage pile.

The series on the otherhand is a solid 9/10. Fucking amazing writing and acting. Both season 1 and 2 are both quality, with only a couple minor bumps as far as pacing and attention to story arcs.

I always feel sad when I finish a series. I get so attached to the characters.

This. I will sometimes stop watching until I can't take the suspense just to drag it out.


anime is even worse. i dont watch it any more

Peaky blinders

Just watch swannydabs on youtube lol

i enjoyed this

Came here to say that.

Check it out if you haven't already.

Shameless, Orange Is The New Black, House of Cards, BoJack Horseman

Master of none

who dis

half this show is just fucking silence with a panorama of the Keys

yo stranger things is literally the best shit

pic related

Like a retard at chucky cheese
>ez to derail

not terrible

Penny Dreadful

quickly became one of my favorite shows ever

Basically a 5th season of Mr. Show.

Need to give it another shot then, anons seem unanimously like it. I got 15 min in and alt tabbed out

Idk her name this is the only place i can find with picture of her

Eh, not really. Stranger Things is basically Twin Peaks meets Lean On Me with a Super 8/IT twist.

Sense8 is supposed to be pretty good.


>star trek with the bald guy
You fucking savage

Prison Break

john luke pickle or whatever his name is

Dexter is amazing. Near halfway or so it starts to go a bit downhill.


ty lol

Cant watch one of my good friends was strangled, beaten and chopped up. Was really fucked up -.-

She has a perfect vagina. Who is that?

i know the feels , idk if any one seen tour of duty , (make sure you get the original soundtrack 70s music) , any way its is allot of episodes and you feel like their your comrads in arms fucking hurt seeing the last 3 episodes (suggest you skip those)

Generation kill , fucking love it but it hurts to watch the last episode

his name is french words , your forgiven

jean luc picard


Sack up, cop an HBO password and watch The Leftovers

bates motel
stranger things
better call saul

>The Leftovers
>Three years after the simultaneous disappearance of 2% of the global population...

2%? sounds pretty lame
2% is like one paki family

Young Justice if your into the Justice League a bit, it's actually pretty decent

Archer is a decent comedy.

Throw in a dash of Poltergeist and Goonies

Im trying to watch this right now but its sorta boring.I can get through 2 episodes or so at a time then I have to stop.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is pretty good.

>G R A C E L A N D

>D E X T E R

Shameless is okay.As much as it pains me to say I prefer it over the British version.

I usually end up jerking off to Emmy Rossum nudes at the end of every episode though

yeah except white people disappear too, and we all know how crazy shit gets when white people go missing

Trailer Park Boys



Stranger things, better call Saul, shameless

Im Seventh Day Adventist m8

Sons of Anarchy - fucking amazing.

Louie is really good.

Waste of dubs. I was referring to Rossum. Although you have a shit-tier religion too.


Sons of Anarchy
Stranger Things
Orange is The New Black
Penny Dreadful
House of Cards
Mr Robot
Better Call Saul

Chef's Table (if you're into that)

prob more but I'm faded af

Jessica Jones is really good too

more like orange is the new whack

Mr Robot has started to turn into pure dog shit this season

Sons of Anarchy starts off so fucking slow. I didnt feel like I really got into it until around season 3

its okay I will pray for you user

ay i gotchu boo. same