How desensitized have you become since lurking/posting on b?

How desensitized have you become since lurking/posting on b?

I think around 2008 I lost all morality I ever had and I attribute it to you fuckers

Other urls found in this thread:

i used to actually care about how people felt, now fuck people. i am not shocked by "shock sites" or anything that would normally have people in a ball questioning their lives. thank you Sup Forums

sometimes i have horrible intrusive thoughts and i attribute them to my decade on this board


I don't really give a shit about anybody anymore. When ever some kind of tragedy happens I don't feel anything. My first thought usually is "how many jokes can I make out of this"

I no longer feel bad about anything, it all bores me now. Im like a lame version of onepunchman without all his powers.


I can look at basically anything whether it's gore or other fucked up stuff without flinching.
I know it's horrible and disgusting, but I just don't react to it anymore.

I repeatedly shock my friends though with things I share that I deem innocent yet dark in nature.

I was actually desensitized throughout my whole life, in several big chunks. First, being forced to watch the faces of death series with my dad when I was 8 and then when I found out he had molested my sister several times throughout our adolescence. Then another big one was my 4 years in Afghanistan and Kuwait waiting for all fuck to break loose every second. Towards the end of my tour, three members of my squad were hit by a road side bomb riding in a hummer in front of us, two dying immediately from the blast and the other bleeding out minutes later. Our hummer just sped the fuck up and hauled ass out of there in case of an ambush and I to this day, don't know if they ever made it home, because we were driving across a large section of the desert by road and decreased contact with our previous location because it was no longer "required"...So I guess you could say I don't give a fuck about what I see on here.

I feel like the site messed me up, and probably contributed a lot to me being bisexual, but I also had a shit social life until like grade 11, and all my friends were weird fucks. So I'm in therapy for a few reasons I guess

I didn't lose my morality by coming to Sup Forums. I stayed in Sup Forums because it's the only place where I feel less fucked up in the inside, among these losers.

I have horrible intrusive thoughts and anxiety about it. I think it's partially from this bullshit place.

Me and Sup Forums fit perfectly because Ive been dead long before I came here.

I remember when I used to gag whilst watching Two Girls 1 Cup. I went to a party recently where a drunk girl disappeared into the cold sea for about a minute and everyone was freaking out. I just sat there and looked forward to the drama resulting from her death. I also remember another party where a drunk girl laid down on the road as a car was speeding towards her at night. I was on the other side of the road to everyone else and I was disappointed when they all made her stand up.

Me every time I think of /b

Also, ever since I was young (around 9) I've gotten boners whenever I do really cruel things in games, like shooting someone in the head whilst they writhe in pain. These are things I've never actually admitted to anyone before.

>e d g e

Wasn't expecting feels. I'm sorry user.

Dude I was 15 when I first saw that and basically as new to the internet as you could get and I had to turn that shit off after 10 seconds. Back in the day where I watched top 10, and "worst shark attack" videos. That must of been 2009 or 08. Jesus christ its been almost 8 years, the internet was a lot less mainstream but it along with my friends that hadnt killed thesmelves, helped me through my shit life. I discovered Sup Forums in 2010, those were the fucking days. Now I feel nothing even faze me, I long to find something to make me feel like those videos once did. As said I feel like opm, everything used to be a challenge and now nothing can faze me, sometimes I try to let it faze me... Act like that child getting murdered is something I shoupf cares, I mean thats what your supposed to do. But I dont care, Ive done worse, seen worse.

Sup Forums helped me so many hard times, but I feel like being here this long is killing me.

I just hope for crazy shit to happen now. Just to spice it up a little. Have you seen how North Korea is threatening war on America? How Russia is getting more and more worked up about the American missiles in Romania? I find it all quite exciting. With every event I see, I just want it to have the worst, or at least the most overturning, outcome.

Sadly this, I wonder why I havent ended it. I killed a dude, although in "selfdefense".

>but it along with my friends that hadnt killed thesmelves, helped me through my shit life

Also, I feel the feels user. You'll get through it.

Wasn't expecting sympathy. Thanks, user.

i was 10 or 11 when i saw that and it didn't phase me. i guess im just a natural-born edgelord

I feel similar, I also came here first at this time (2010 or 11) and Sup Forums drove me even more away from the idea that there is any god when I before was pushed into believing by my family.

But for desensitizing I would recommend 8ch. While I was lurking there for like a week, they posted heavy gore and similar. Idk what they do now but their content was "harder" than any content I saw serval years on Sup Forums.

Also the internet turned me into a sarcastic, nihilistic pessimist but that's how life really is.

No problem

why the quotation?


this thread is so fucking edgy
none of you are special


Why does Super Autism have goggles?

He's also blind.

Because he's swimming through the pussy

>I was disappointed when they all made her stand up
You're not desensitised you're just edgy.

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Ahaha youre that weird kid in your circle

I'm that weird kid in my circle too with inappropriate jokes. I'm a scumbag.

is that thumbnail in the vid?

No it's a video with a bunch of fucking cats

Yeah I use Sup Forums when I'm really really low. I get into states every few years where I sleep 18 hours a day and loose my job friends etc. I come here as last resort and it lifts me up and gets me going again. That's what's happened now and this will be my last night on here... Until next time of course

wow thats real cool bud :^)

I made an Orlando Joke in place of a 9/11 joke 2 days after it happened, thanks Sup Forums!

I only feel like an observer by now. Most of my time I spent with english language due to the internet and don't feel any emotions than rage.
Either I am really pissed or passive.