Woah, I guess I truly am a Lethal Weapon!

>Woah, I guess I truly am a Lethal Weapon!

>9mm Beretta, martial arts, vietnam, phoenix program

>I guess we have to classify you as Lethal Weapon™

why does she have so many picture referencing reddit?

>Buckle up, we're going Interstellar!

ic ton viel I guess this really is our downfall grober

>forget it Jake, it's Chinatown
Walked out when they said this tbqh

>forget it Jake, it's Chinatown
Walked out when I heard this tbqh

Is there a better fight scene than the one at the end of Lethal Weapon 1?

To survive in this world, we will have to become pride and prejudice: zombies.

>We are vikings