i truly 100% hate this place
Good first half, climax in the middle, mediocre second half, shit ending.
2/10, would't watch again.
Scene is tooo fucking engrained in my head to not know what this is
Uhh. you dont get to bring vectors into my plane.
Truly proof that it had gread cinematography
its actually kind of interesting how mematic this shit is
Please explain like I'm a newfag
maybe this'll be a little clearer.
Was Nolan even aware of what he was creating? Was all of this part of his plan?
Is this loss?
4 u
it's an attenea
The angle of the dangle is in direct proportion to the heat of the beat
He wanted everyone to ask "What's the next step of your master plan?" He crashed the Batman franchise with no survivors, since nobody could live up to the masterpiece that is the opening scene. People who watched BvS had a subconscious reaction to the lack of Nolan's brilliance, which made them violently turn on it. Nolan ensured nobody will overshadow his legacy.
>tfw I thought it was a three act structure diagram and thought this was going to be a screenwriting thread
are these to do with how they are filmed or the structure of narrative? i kinda get the difference from someone like lumiere compered to lang but then people like rivettes and denis dont make much sense
someone explain
clearly you're thinking way too highly of this place
It's both.
if you take KKubrick, it's a clear reference to how his shots are usually constructed.
If you take Lynch or Bergman, it's about the narrative structure.
Can someone explain this shit
Some of them are just jokes.
Rivette = question mark
Ruiz = maze
who made these though, never seen anything like this
you know anything more about them lol?
I don't get it
Why does everyone always forget the 4th guy behind CIA?
Hes well hidden. Question is why?
he is a metaphor for the 4th Batman movie Nolan had planned but the studio would not let him do.
CIA is a bigger guy than him