Who is your favorite rapper Sup Forums? Defend your answer. Pic related

Who is your favorite rapper Sup Forums? Defend your answer. Pic related

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Thugger is #1, nobody in the game is doing what he's able to do

Kendrick Lamar, great music, great vibes, great message.
Thugger would have to be 2nd, then Kanye, then Travis Scott.


Schoolboy Q, Kevin Gates and Denzel Curry right now.

ITT:pasty white kids who have no black friends and listen to this music while Awkwardly nodding their head and throwing up imaginary gang signs because they are too uncoordinated to dance and are so out of touch with actual black culture

"Gang gang"

biggie smalls niqqa

Get better taste, kids.

I'll have you know I am a pasty white frat boy that nods my head cause I can't dance and am out of touch with actual black culture.

thug is a modern day mozart, best rapper in years since Kanye, maybe even better

kanye, drake, kendrick for current

the rest are at a lower tier for right now

all-time personally i gotta throw em, nas, ghostface, and mf doom up there too

can't defend drake lyrically, but the rest of those dudes are great writers and rappers

okay well why don't you just go back to listening to Mumford and Sons or Toby Keith.

Go back to thinking you're cool but in reality black ppl don't listen to this shit and make fun of white kids who do lmao

Lil Yatchy. I ain't defending shit to you.


Jay z cause fuck u newfags

Yeah I really like Schoolboy Q and Kevin Gates. Haven't heard much from Denzel Curry. What song or mixtape would you recommend to get in to him?

All of you are garbage.

Thinking that was bait because you're so out of touch lol, go share those beat raps you heard with mommy see if she gives u some good boy points you neckbeard

Didn't really like Views because of the lyrics. Couldn't stand some of the goofy shit he had on that project.

im more of a lil boat fan myself

>black people don't listen to rap.
Maybe in the center of the Congo, rest of us live in America faggot

This thread just screams "teenagers"


We do. Just not this faggy shit y'all posting in this thread, again, you're proving you're a pasty white kid who awkwardly tries to dance to this shit while he's alone, and we all laugh at white kids bumping thugger thinking they are cool and hood

Black people cant even rap well

definitely bait

Nice b8

He's the speaker for all black people

Great message
great flow
lyrical soundness
all around great rapper

Being so socially out of touch that you don't realize this is true lol

Dubs confirm

Cole, Kendrick, logic, Bino and yes young Gerald

You're reaching for replies now. Just sit down, Thomas. You're not black and nobody is taking your bait.

When a black person lands on the moon I might laugh with you.


Being so autistic you think you're social circle represents the general population


>14 year olds being the majority of Sup Forums sharing their shit taste

I just went to his concert a couple of days ago and it was great. glad i found some other rattpack members in here.

Being so white and awkward that you think listening to rap makes you cool, especially young thug, lmfao none of u even have black friends go play with ya anime dolls

Mac Miller

>hurr durr old school rap is the only good rap u guys are such plebs such shit taste u dont even listen to biggy shakur

You say it like not having black friends is a bad thing. All my friends register their guns, have their teeth and don't call me at 2am asking to borrow $15 for crack. Oh no....


Nobody likes being called out. It's okay

at least back then rappers didn't give a shit about making shoes that look like they were made for elves.


So y'all listen to music u think black ppl are bumping but in reality it's just u and awkward pasty white kids, other ppl are laughing at u but you're too autistic to see so you call it bait lmfao virgin CONFIRMED

Chance all the way all day. Kevin gates and kendrick current and childish gambino too


Anything black people do white people do it better.


>lmfao none of u
Can't talk above a 5th grade level. Can confirm nigger

Anderson .Paak, he may not be only a rapper, but he is a soulful nigga.

Actual black people don't listen to this garbage. It's made for white college kids like you who will buy it on iTunes and fill up their pockets lol


Why Kevin Gates though. I've heard his 2 famous songs and they're not that great

G-Eazy my homie

this is fucking stupid. i thought this thread would be people talking about their favorite rappers and having intelligent conversations about the music we love but now its some fucking race war. yall just need to stfu

yes please.


Tech N9ne, anyone?

Being this desperate for a come back so you point out I used an abbreviation and act as though that indicates how I speak, Virgin CONFIRMED

Learn to greentext jackass

Fill your ass up w/ my dick you saggy-titted man child. Go back to listening to your Iggy azaela "rap" trash

Y'all wanna act racist but you're getting killed in this argument by a "nigger" virgins gonna virgin I gues

went to his concert sunday night and he did a hell of a job putting on a great show. i was there for logic tho

>being this triggered

Chance's music is free you fucking retard and I don't care what niggers listen to anyway

Tbh I just like two of his songs and that's only for when I'm working out



Literally everything he releases is free.

I recommend J. Cole my man. A true lyricist

rip chip

Darkthrone rules.

>being so autistic that this is my only comeback
Go back to/mlp/ and fuck your grandma

'cause he's he's the E with the criminal behavior

Right now, probably Clipping.

Fuck, Wriggle is such a good song.

Skepta and Kano

1. Chance the Rapper
2. Kendrick Lamar
3. J. Cole
4. Logic
5. Quavo

I hope I'm in the casket face down
So all you mother fuckers can kiss my black ass now.

Meechy Darko. Kendrick, Killer Mike, and Nas are all worth an honorable mention

Logic is terrible

What songs do you like most by him? I'm always in the market for good music

Respectable, flatbush had some solid stuff

my favorite hip hop album.

>Taking Sup Forums this personally
u Is still grammatically incorrect you inbred, you don't even know what an abbriviation is. Notice how "can confrim nigger" doesn't make sense either. Go be a nigger somewhere else please

I respect your opinion but unfortunately I will choose to disagree.

some solid stuff but I prefer Madvillainy

You don't really know what you're talking about do you

Best hip hop group ever.


big L

Wale all the way! He gets slept on way to much. Anyone agree?


I think he has some solid, quality work, but sometimes I think he just comes out with some projects that are entirely misses

he raps about stuff he knows nothing about


thats because hes snitch once you snitch your career is over unless you are 50 cent

Logic a lame ass nigga and always steals styles.
Under Pressure was a spitting version of Kendrick and his song "Deeper than money" is KENDRICK LAMAR AS FUCK GET THAT TRASH OUT OF HERE