East Asia is to Southeast Asia as Europe is to ___

East Asia is to Southeast Asia as Europe is to ___

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Africa, I guess

SEA is a bunch of butthurt colonies full of half-civilised barbarians

the USA

What about Central Asia? Is Mongolia East Asia?

I see your divide and conquer tactics at work Jew. It won't work.

Pan-Asianism FTW (except India/the ME. They're not real Asians)


Central Asia is ME or Asia?

Mongolia is the eastern europe of Asia

tfw you're alone :(

I find Kazakh and Kyrgyz people interesting because the darker ones resemble native Americans and the fairer ones resemble Siberians

>a bunch of butthurt colonies full of half-civilised barbarians
sounds like ch*na and k*orea to me



i know your feeling bro

Asia is not well understood.
Because it is the division that the human of the Mediterranean world made arbitrarily.

The term actually was first created to refer to the Near East before it was used to describe Far East. It comes from "Akkadia". But I see your point.


Source: i'm a Southeast Asian nigger.

Middle East?

Well it's more like Middle West from our perspective

Is southeast asia the eastern europe of asia?

In what terms, post-commie countries that are similiar to Eastern Europe are more like Central Asia (and Russia if you count it as Asia)

No, eastern yuro is mostly Slavic (apart from Greece, Albania and Hungary). Southeast Asia is a bunch of things.



Cultural disparity

Northern Africa

Good one

They even have lots of Muslims

Are Koreans the Swedes of the Asia's?

>Pan Asian
Flag checks out


Do Kazakh women like foreign Men. ie. US?


SEA was originally basically an extension of India, so even your classification is bullshit.

Good to know)) A very attractive people.

nope, Indians are looked down upon there

Depends, places like Malaysia and Singapore have higher living standard than most of China

>tfw being an asian nigger

Same here, actually we kinda look down upon each other.

im not barbarian

wtf I love Kazakhs now

Sjw is rising here

east europe seems to be the consensus itt

пидopaшкa нe пaлитcя

I don't know why East Asian North Americans think East Asia is the only Asia.

Asia is named for this place; Anatolia. Asia in Greek literally means "East(land)". And east of where? East of the Aegean, and the Dardanelles, and the Bosporus.

In the USA and Canada it's come to be associated with the Chinese because they were the first Asian immigrants to come here, and for Canada that isn't even true, the Indians were coming here at the same time as the Chinese, but we're so fucked by American media that we copy Americanisms.

East Asia is no less Asian than the Subcontinent or the Middle East, or South East Asia, or the Trans-Urals.

Asia now means west of AMERICA FUCK YEAH

we civilization now

Asia is a Greek term but it has no meaning in Greek. Anatolia is what means 'land of the East' rather

Asia is either connected to Assuwa or some semitic word meaning East



i visited your country it looked pretty barbarian to me

unless you are like the elite living in the capital etc

Indochina are north Africans

Maritime Southeast Asia Mudslimes and Flips are sub Saharan Africans