>claims to be white
>cant recite Apostles creed and Lords prayer
>claims to be white
>cant recite Apostles creed and Lords prayer
Shut up, animal
z animale
I can do both in 4 different languages from heart and I'm not even religious.
how does that make me whiter than the pagan NOOOORTHERN BROTHERS
The only people likely not to know those here are white
Times have changed, now only white people are secular and/or atheists, because only white people have the necessary intellect to think critically about religion. Religion is for spics and niggers.
alas, so many infidels and fedora tippers ITT
this man is very white
t. nigger spic
Based kirishitan
Holy shit
You just proved his point
t. white man
Baba Yetu confirmed for the whitest song.
Plot twist: all four of those languages are in the Bantu language family.
can't recite the creed for shit because in Polish liturgy you use two different versions for two different occasions and I keep mixing them up
>cant recite Apostles creed and Lords prayer
Minä uskon Jumalaan,
Isään, Kaikkivaltiaaseen,
taivaan ja maan Luojaan,
ja Jeesukseen Kristukseen,
Jumalan ainoaan Poikaan, meidän Herraamme,
joka sikisi Pyhästä Hengestä,
syntyi neitsyt Mariasta,
kärsi Pontius Pilatuksen aikana,
ristiinnaulittiin, kuoli ja haudattiin,
astui alas tuonelaan,
nousi kolmantena päivänä kuolleista,
astui ylös taivaisiin,
istuu Jumalan, Isän, Kaikkivaltiaan, oikealla puolella
ja on sieltä tuleva tuomitsemaan eläviä ja kuolleita,
ja Pyhään Henkeen,
pyhän yhteisen seurakunnan,
pyhäin yhteyden,
syntien anteeksiantamisen,
ruumiin ylösnousemisen
ja iankaikkisen elämän.
Can't recite what?
It's just that average whites are too pampered ti need spiritual support from religion.
I really have no idea what the Apostles' Creed is, although apparently I've said it before. Certainly I know the Lord's Prayer, in a specific version which is older and specific to the American Episcopal church.
>current year
>not knowing your prayers in Latin
Do you even pray bro?
ای پدر ما كه در آسمانی
نام تو ستوده باد،
ملكوت تو فرا رسد،
خواست تو انجام يابد
روی زمين آن سان كه در آسمان
امروز نان روزانه ی ما را ارزانی دار و از بدی های ما بگذر
آن سان كه ما نيز می گذريم از هر كه به ما بدی كرد
و مگذار تن به وسوسه دهيم بلكه ما را از بدی رهايی ده. آميــــــن
dont you mean nicene creed?
apostles is an different, older version.
Fututus et mori in igni
Therefore, Christian men, be sure. Wealth or rank possessing. Ye who now will bless the poor. Shall yourselves find blessing
good reference
Do I look like a Latin to you, buddy? Didn't think so. I don't speak none of that Italian Papist talk.
>Unironically speaking a dead language
knowing prayers in latin =/= speaking latin
you retarded mudslime
You dont even know how Latin was you argitard.As the American is saying,you are literally speaking some Italian papal speech,not even real latin
I can recite all of Nero's poems in latin.
Eat shit and die, followers of bastard son of a middle-eastern whore.
If you are japanese you are a traitor
If you are a foreigner get out
Cerrado el culo, animal.
I know the Nicene Creed, am I white enough