How to seduce a french girl?
How to seduce a french girl?
Don't shower
prepare a meal that features a frog marinated in garlic
Any good recipes?
no way
i have lived here in france for 18 years and I never had a gf
> better have a anglo gf
>Any good recipes?
no. i'm not a frog eating savage
Ok, that's true
Be muslim
I'm also wondering
Be Asian.
Be Algerian
Be an Anglo-Saxon
According to /fr/, you just gotta be yourself.
Bonjour, j'ai remarqué que tu es très mignonne et que tu viens d'un pays très pauvre. Je suis un homme célibataire profitant d'une vie aisée mais sans personne avec qui la partager. J'ai une grande télévision mais personne avec qui faire des câlins sur mon grand canapé pendant qu'on la regarde. Si tu es intéressée à quitter la vie que tu mène présentement pour en commencer une nouvelle avec moi, toutes ces choses qui m'appartiennent peuvent t'appartenir aussi. Qu'est-ce que tu en dit?
Partially denounce your Christian faith and then send 10% of your salary to starving african kids.
Like any woman: with money
Pretend to be American.
Sois toi-même
Show her your baguette
Convert to Islam.
Be black with a big fat cock
>implying they like muslims
Be from the Maghreb
>implying they like algayrians
Then why don't you have a gf?
how much?
>ayy mademoiselle, voulez-vous sum fuck?
be a black algerian muslim with a big fat cock and a big fat wallet
I have a super cute gf from Tarbes. Hooked up with her completely effortlessly.
Be brown, be funny and witty, be in no way narcissistic, strongly opinionated or cunty, learn and to dance, enjoy eating and drinking... Done
french girls give off this vibe that you will never ever even earn their acknowledgement
stuck up bitches
You are just too beta
i think its because im too alpha, they arent used to that with french guys
Escargo silly. It's minced frog in little shell shaped cups.
Britbongs are just tasteless boring apes for French girls
tree fiddy
They do
I'm sure they would love them.
A guy that speaks English sounds american for french girls, making him very appealing.