Should I do Accounting, IT, Become an Electrician or do Biology?

Should I do Accounting, IT, Become an Electrician or do Biology?

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Biology. We need biologists. Working on computers is for plebs, and there are enough electricians. Biology.

Follow tour hear Henry

Don't listen to this person. Do what benefits society. We have to think of our nation like an orgasm.

I meant follow your heart Henry. Also, do whatever you like the most. fuck everyone else

biology has many applications but in the end computer science / it can be much more lucrative


lucrative =/= good for society

If thats your ass then give being a sparky a miss

Become police

Biology has by far the most applications. IT is already peaking. Life is eternal.

GTFO moralfag

I followed my heart, turns out unemployment is not my passion. Choose whatever has the best job prospects in your country.

Why are you a faggot?

Biology is good if you have always loved the world around you as it helps to understand the biotic and abiotic interactions

also how life came to be through fossils is also good to get into

Electrician is probably the least boring, but the worst paid as well. Personally I'd go for accounting, that is easy and a guaranteed job.

it is not even close to peaking. if anything that's biology, seeing it's almost impossible to get a good job nowadays without being a teacher.

If you can't figure out what you want on your own you'll most likely fail in whatever you do try. Finding your own path is the easiest step. If you can't do this you should just be a janitor and clean shit for a living.

I went into accounting and it sucks. Long long long hours working for a big 4 accounting firm to get my CPA and still have trouble finding work. Don't go into accounting.

science doesn't pay enough, nor does it have any jobs availiable. electricians don't get paid enough. You won't get a job in IT unless you live in india. Accounting makes a lot of money.

Do accounting.
None of these are good choices.

I'm in IT and it's definitely peaked. I know so many coders who can't find jobs. The press is way behind what's actually going on out there.

This. And don't even think about studying when you don't mean it. Shit's hard.

If you like doing shitty labs all day and having no job prospects get a biology degree.

>I happen to be an expert on this topic

those coders must be fucking retarded then.

depends on how you want to spend the rest of your life

electrician: can have a career, can be a lazy bitch and still get by, can take long periods off, will always earn with a skill like this

accountant; can be part time, but more likely gonna have to knuckle down and be serious, also this will make you boring

biology: need to be more specific with what field, but i'm guessing whatever you choose youde have to take very seriously, unless marine biology that looks like a lazy mans, i used to be a surfer, i have afternoons off dude

not when you do it in australia and do honors where a degree is still respected

What country are you in? I'm an electrician in Australia and it's an awesome gig. I work in mining making $60/hr and that's the lower end of the scale because I only just qualified 3 months ago. Domestic sparkies get less but it's still a good job and you'll never be out of work. Everyone needs electricity and there's a lot of variety in the trade.

If you have to worry about going to the "right" university to have your degree respected then it's a shitty major.

i chose nutrition and dietetics and i highly regret it. im gonna switch to computer science.

I am thanks for noticing


We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us!

biology, chemistry or both together un an nature/environmental field
world is going to shit in a hand basket very soon.
we need damage controllers

Problem is accounting sucks to. Long hours low pay few job prospects.

OP have you tried sucking dick?

what time bro, i'll put the kettle on

Why did you think that was an good idea?

COMPSCI/IT IS dying , unless you're so good that you can manage/handle/program for databases a la Google/amazon your Java/python/ruby skills are useless other than flash-games.
soon™ IT WILL so smart, that it will run by A.I. and cognitive expert systems. just look at systems like IBMs WATSON
genetic engineering, and damage control of our fucked up world's nature is the future

It has jobs

because i still like nutrition. the jobs are terrible though.

>We have to think of our nation like an orgasm.

>like an orgasm

There's a Freudian slit if ever there was one.

And get r3ckt by some fgt's

Electrician. You'll have a trade for life, and will be able to work for yourself.

Just don't do IT. The stress is ridiculous, the retraining is a drag, and the people you meet are twats.

Got more of that ass?

I made a apprentice work for 4 years as an elektrican specialized for Server Technic and then I had studing as an informatican.

Not sure where you live and how hard becoming a electrical engineer is there, all of those can be okay, but really not sure how the job market threats biologists.

Here is some advice, never in your life have only one business/work plan.

Which one do you enjoy most?

Do that.

Accounting is very good
IT is very good
Being an electrician is very good
Biology is shit.

People that study biology won't get a job, as technology advances there is less need for humans in that field. Also when there is a job opening people that studied chemistry or biochemistry will be preferred. Yes you do learn a lot of useful things and it is STEM but it is overshadowed by other STEM degrees.
I have 2 friends that studied biology and didn't listen to me.

IT is projected with a large growth in jobs. But you have to be really good at what you do or people will chase the big fish/ respected ICT guys instead of you or you apply at a job for a company that does ICT services. Can be fun if you like what you do and are really passionate about this stuff like you do it in spare time. I have one passionate friend who studies ICT and one that failed first year of a logistics degree and then went on to ICT.

There is always a need for electricians unless we find other ways to power society but let's be honest, that is not going to happen during your lifetime. Trades generally do well, even during a recession.

There is always a need for accountants, and if Donald Trump becomes president there will be more start-ups thus more work for accountants to do the financial work for those companies. BUT it is a very boring job, however it could be more boring like being an actuary.
In accounting there is many fields including auditing which is also pretty boring but could be fun if you like checking up on stuff.

Most people in this thread do not know what they're talking about. And most people in society do not know as well.

Trust me I'm an economist. Good that you don't have an interest in the arts.

thank you

IT-tech here.

Let me tell you one thing:
If you work in IT, you are always the asshole that doesnt do anything right.

If theres a problem: It's your fault and everyone asks you why you can't do your job right.

If you do enough background work so everything goes smoothly: Why dobwe even need you here you aren't even doing anything.

Prepare to hear stuff like this a lot, at least in support

No problem, know what you start. Instead of trusting what the school/government says try to find people that have. A job that you would want as well in the future and talk to them about how they did it and if it is worth it. That's how I did it, I thought I wanted to be a clinical psychologist. And it would have been the biggest mistake of my life if I didn't meet my mentor in economics, but you must go out of your way to do that. That's called passion. I also thought about opening my own restaurant and then I met an actual restaurateur and the job is NOT fun. I did learn how to make sushi there though.

at least you're not saying IT is dying like those delusional cunts