Which is the true Hermione?

Which is the true Hermione?

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She's a fucking imaginary character.
And these two portrayed her because it's their fucking job. Their is no true hermoine.

lmao from now on this is what I'm calling no true scotsman

Definitely not the negroid.

Right one ofc Hermione ain't a fckin monkey




The left Hermione is simply a social experiment from the liberal author.



How can one single human being be ugly with the power of 10,000 desperate suns shining over poland?

I thought she looked really pretty in Noah.

Hermione on the right, harambe on the left

The one who wasn't molested by her father before he went to prison because grape soda

Fucking SJW liberals are everywhere. This is the reason you should not vote or tolerate them, they will take your normal and distort and destroy it, just to be able to say "I tried to make the world a more diverse and open environment for everyone".

Guess what? Niggers don't go see fucking Harry Potter movies or read(anything). So, you are taking the fans of your multi million dollar business and smashing their faces into your shitty social movement.

As if sorcerers and shit would tolerate some uppity nigger around fucking shit up.

Coppercab will be in the next film


i can't get my head around casting this mouth-breathing black woman as Hermione. What were they thinking!?!?

*racist blacks stealing white culture

they thought that by being edgy and shit that it would advertise their piece of shit play. There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about

That nigger is also a million years old. Dunno if she is supposed to be old in that play though.