ITT: movies that made you cringe so hard you HAD to stop watching

ITT: movies that made you cringe so hard you HAD to stop watching

>implying you wouldn't take zooey on a spontaneous vacation to a quirky location

>Tfw you could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in.

>implying that Jim Carrey has ever failed

Your a disease and carrey is the CURE

>post-Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey
pick one and only one

The way the Godfather guy talked was so unbelievably cringy I just couldn't sit through it. The Marlin guy should've taken some acting classes before filming, his acting was just so goofy.

absolutely shit

>implying comedy was the main point of the movie




BvS is miles better than this rubbish

>not appreciating the life-giving message
>being this cynical

I imagine a cold, dark, lifeless room with a computer and some snack crumbs littering your desk. I sense a life without purpose or joy. Am I correct? If so I'd suggest you rewatch this and focus more on the message than the epic memes you can mine from it.

Yes Man is great.

>better than tarkovsky
shitty bait

I just watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 and it was the cringiest movie I watched in a long time.

Thankfully it was only me and my 2 autistic friends in the theatre, so we could sperg out and shout whenever something embarrassing came up

stop shitposting

I suggest you to stop watching "life-giving" comedy garbage made in the US

guess i'm blinded by nostalgia for the first for movie, but what was so cringe about MBFGW2?

Terrible jokes, situations were so awkward it stopped being funny and it was very stereotypical, mostly in an unfunny way

>marketed as a comedy
>turned out to be a generic indy film

the "you've been a bad girl" scene made me want to kill myself

It wasn't anything like the first movie. Timing was off on nearly every joke.
Could have been good, but they just forgot what they wanted it to be.

reminder that people who can't handle second hand embarassment are insecure

This bullshit


>people who spend their entire day on a mongolian ceramics forum are insecure
Woah, stop the presses.

>the red bull scene

Kill yourself, cretin

>The Marlin
He's called Merlon idiot