Go to local burek shop held by Bosniak

>go to local burek shop held by Bosniak
>order burek and wait till baked fresh
>bakers talking in the back
>"Fadila should be happy she only got her ass kicked for sucking that catholic's dick

Bosniaks are way more modern and secular than Asian and Semite mudslimes who stone their daughters for such things.

Kek how can Muslim men complete with Catholic Bulls?

Last place I had that was in Amsterdam years ago. Bosnians here are in the construction industry.


>mfw people are governed by arbitrary things like religion

What is it? Looks like a pie

tfw no Bosniak gf that gets disowned by her family because I'm not a Muslim


Meat in fried bread
It's delicious

>Bosnians here are in the construction industry
You mean Bosniaks in Amsterdam or Bosniaks in Finland?

georgian food>yugoslav shit

>construction industry
funny way to say manual labor in construction

do georgians have showers in their homes nowdays?
Yesterday my father was telling a story how when he was a student some georgian girl came to bulgaria to study and on her first day here she couldn't believe people here would shower in their own home so he and some friends of his, including some girls to make the goargian feel safe, invided hetr to his apartment to take a shower and show her it's true that people here have showers. he and his friends were sipping their coffee when the girl got out of thre bathroom crying tears of joy because taking a warm shower for the first time felt that nice kek

did they fug here?

georgians are huge sluts actually it's a known fact here

he didn't specify

never heard of anything like that. Sounds like she lived in the worst commie bloc ever

>local bakery owned by a Muslim Albanian from Kosovo
>has three Amazon daughters with thick curly hair and green eyes
>one is LITERALLY molded from Jesus' breast
>model's face, curly brown hair, circa 175cm, legs for days, it hurts
>he arranged a marriage for the youngest one, since she doesn't want to go to college
>the middle (24) and the oldest (27) are "available" for marriage
>the middle one likes me, I can tell, we went out a few times, and she mentioned me to her father
>he dons a death stare whenever I enter the shop
>sent her to the back of the store and served me bread himself once

>Death stare

I thought you guys had that.

My father told me Arab girls are beasts in the sack. He worked in the tourist industry and encountered a lot of rich Arabs on exchange (Yugoslavia was a destination for them) and Arab women treated local men like fucktoys

Does he know where you live? Does he know your name? Is she ok with you? Just take her, you faggot. She's motherfucking 24.

You can always talk with her father via skype or something like that and set something in public so he doesn't go apeshit.

>Just take the daughter of a muslim Albanian from Kosovo forcefully

lol not a very good idea you frog eating fuck.

>you can see her hair

Kek. In all seriousness dick sucking is a grave sin.


Actually the problem would be if they were Catholic.Blood feud is only done by Catholics

tip top taqqiya

Google it if you want.

Damn this pic made me hungry

>tfw still one hour and a half before I leave work


This, 100 times over .

Well? Would you do better otherwise really? You are mid-20s, its not too early

We have cheburkers here instead.