Steve Harvey shits all over your men

>Steve Harvey shits all over your men
>You defend black guys

Wew fucking lad. Holy shit.
How can Asian men even compete?
(video included)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Ottawa

she said both anti-asian and anti-black comments were unneeded though. guess she isn't tribal enough for Sup Forums, due to her superior Asiatic intellect :))

Steve Harvey is secretly anti-black and is ensuring that the Asians will side with the whites during the brewing race war.

>when the video cuts straight to the asian woman laughing her ass off at the thought of dating an asian man

minorities are so racist to each other it's unbelievable
they should all be whipped until they shut up

As a finnish man how can you condone this? What would Genghis think?

>white guys are cucks who can't stop lusting after bbc
>asian guys are beta dweebs
>finnish guys are alpha as fuck, only ironically joke about cuck shit

best of both worlds

>dating japanese super-qt right now

If we had kids, the boy would suffer from tfwnogf his whole life because no one likes asian men, but if I had a girl she would turn out super incredibly hot because her mom is fucking stacked. Dang ol' damned if you do damned if you do I tell you what.

If you had a girl she would be a slave to the BBC, because her white dad is a beta.

Temujin did not care about irrelevant people's opinions.

Chinks btfo yet again

t. r/Asianmasculinity or r/hapas

He's right though. The white guys who go for Asian chicks weren't meant to breed and their seed doesn't produce anything of value.

really makes you think

that profile pict is probably the most cherry picked asian looking photo she have

Beta whites and Alpha Asians are the same tier of beta though. Nothing changes.

You're better than this Finland.

what is that supposed to mean? you know that isn't her, right?

Do yellow fever fags honestly believe this? A beta is a beta and an alpha is an alpha.

The most Alpha Asian is still a beta though. I've never met a non-beta Chink and you can't say you have either.

There's a distinction since the white guys were intended by nature not to breed at all as they represent the bottom tier of white men.
The Asian guys who can get Whites wouldn't really represent the bottom tier and so it's not unnatural for them to breed.


asians are apollo's race
whites are perseus race
blacks are herculean race

this also appy to the girls

That's the dumbest picture I've ever seen in my life.

Asian men are the bottom of the barrel tier though, even rich successful Asian doctors binge watch anime and can't look into a persons eyes while talking to them.

Just my observation I could be wrong.

He's still beta because he's Asian. That's how it works.

>How can Asian men even compete?
She calls herself Afro/Asian which I assume means she is black and Asian? Did the OP think she was Asian just because she used a picture of an Asian celebrity in her profile pic?


whats worst asian men, black men, hispanic men, middle eastern men, or indian men

>19 year old afro-asian who likes k/j/pop, comic books, video games & politics
well i hate every single one of those things
jsut gas those people please

steve harvey is seriously a terrible person, i have no idea how he has his own daytime talk show

>He had a picture of fake book called: How To Date A White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men. The pic drew huge laughs from the mostly white and black female crowd. Steve says: "It's only one page long. It says; 'NO." More laughs. Then to the audience he says: "Any white women out there want to date an Asian man? No, right? No." More riotous laughter. "Any black women want to date an Asian man? No." The whole audience goes crazy. Steve Harvey: "I don't even like Chinese food. I don't eat what I can't pronounce." Super loud laughter.

That's fucking banter

I'd say Indian men, but atleast Indian women like Indian men, but I can't say the same for Asian women.

The bants are off the charts
The engines can't take any more

I wonder what the reaction would be if the same thing was said about blacks?

I've been reading through the azn/pol/ subreddits (aznidentity, AsianMasculinity) and they've somehow found a way to blame whites for this lal.

most of the people going off on him are black

As soon as I saw this I went there too. It's fucking hilarious. They are literally the Asian equivalent of Sup Forums and whites are their jews.

t. Black Internet Def Force - Nigerian British Squadorn.


check twitter fann

if whites are the jews for blacks and asians, and jews are the jews for whites, then who are the jews for jews?

The Asians?

Wait, maybe the Germans? I don't know

that would certainly be some circular jewery.

how can germans (whites) be the jews for jew while the jews for whites are jews? that doesn't make any sense 2bqhfam

>how can germans (whites) be the jews for jew while the jews for whites are jews? that doesn't make any sense 2bqhfam

Maybe in Israel they are like "Oy vey it's the Nazis behind this". Maybe.

Blud don't talk shit you ain't real roadman innit

>the chinks get massively butthurt because of shit like this

You know, if what he said wasn't true you'd just brush this off as bullshit and ignore it. LOL.

Thats a mere Americrap identity politics, which is completely irrelevant to the rest of the world incl you fucking Finland. When do you see that Asians in your town IRL? You are not an American. You are a Finn, arent you?

Ive decided to debunk how you brainless Yuro Ameriboos have exaggerated every racial/cuck topic and blown up every Americunt internet drama as if it's a world wide problem/matter or your country's thing on Sup Forums. This one is also nearly all about Chinense Americans who are the majority of Asians in the society and the cheesy turf war between Ameristupid Niggas vs Azns. If you unironically havent been aware of it, just learn it now. What youve been doing is just fucking Ameriboo shameful garbage which annoys everyone else in the same way as some brainless weebs.

Since Sup Forums is a fucking Ameriboo board and full of serious Ameriboos, almost everybody is gonna be pissed off by me. But I will keep saying this because you Ameriboos have been becoming seriously fucking annoying.
And I wont defend you Asian Americans. I dont even know who the fuck this stupid racist nigga is and this twitter bitch is, but he is right in a way. You are so pathetic sissy and stupid that nobody else can defend you. That r/aznidentity/ and /r/AsianMasculinity, which seem to be almost the only sites where you can have such discussions on the American internet, were really fucking pathetic and full of stupid delusional nationalists, especially Chinese Americans who unironically believe China and CCP are superior as you can also see on Sup Forums. Who else would be willing to join in this stupid trashy nationalistic circlejerk? No one.

didn't read, but i can deffer from the length of this post that you're probably very mad! haha

>harvey triggering the shit out of racist insecure r/asianmasulinity cucks

>if I had a girl she would turn out super incredibly hot
wtf are you like drumpf or sumthin

Her Asian mum got BLACKED, such as life in western countries for Asian women. They either get BLEACHED or BLACKED

There's nothing wrong with what Trump said

Damn, that's pretty fucked. It reminds me how one time, a sjw teacher I had tried to make a point about how the gap in height between men and women wasn't that big, and he made the whole class stand up, picked the tallest girl, and the shortest guy, an asian guy, and basically ridiculed him in front of the class. To any asian americans reading this, sorry you get treated the way you do. I respect you guys as men and think some of you are pretty alpha tbqh.

>To any asian americans reading this, sorry you get treated the way you do. I respect you guys as men and think some of you are pretty alpha tbqh.


>Thats a mere Americrap identity politics, which is completely irrelevant to the rest of the world incl you fucking Finland.
Oh you precious child. European society is majorly influenced by American university feminism. It's here wether we like it or not. Identity politics are all the rage since there are so many foreigners here. Yes even Asians, including nips and chinks. One of our most prominent "murder whitey"-scholars is Korean.

Damn asian guys are getting trashed

Everyone knows half white half japanese girls usually turn out gorgeous

Putting aside the buzzwords and the excessive length, you do have a solid point. This is an American issue primarily raised within America, and not representative of some wide global conflict.

>European society
That's a fancy way of saying Sweden.

This guy came to here btw, listened to his "lecture". I mean that guy has seriously something against whites.

>Australian and Canadian flags rush to defend Asians ITT

>This is what's classified as "comdey" nowadays

kek, there is a lot of stealth chinks on the internet

>To feel or even think that the white race is inferior on all conceivable levels is natural considering it's history and current acts. Let the white race's western civilization crumble in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, race-mixed and classless ecological society! Long live Anarchy!
My favorite quote of his. He was actually hired by the state to investigate how much Afro-phobia there is in Sweden. I bet he wasn't partial at all.

it's because there's such a high %age of asians who are nerds, they all find the way to Sup Forums and shitpost here

wow what the fuck
i know we are bad but even here this wouldn't be acceptable

The powers that be like to feign ignorance. It's really not acceptable at all but the socialists in change really don't care about truth or informed public opinion.

t. sasuke "teen angst" uchiha

Indeed, they will learn in time

Asians are fucked man. They haaate white people but at the same time want us to look fondly of them. It's a weird hatred because they want validation or approval but it amounts to nothing but impotent rage on their reddit pages. Nobody feels threatened or impressed by Chinks so they hate this and hate white people.

Actually, mountain nigger, WMAF sons only suffer because their fathers are beta autist dweebs who should not have reproduced.

AND, your daughters don't end up that well off either.

Elliot Rodgers and Kelly Balthazar boyo

BTW. 42% of US born Asian men marry white women

you on the right in the pic

you on the ground in the vid

Talk shit, get hit, white bois

>allow for mentally I'll people to work in your unis
>forgetting most people of this type are white

Hapas from Asian men are no better. The Asian gene is a beta one regardless. The white women Asians get are always fucked in the head or ugly. Rice dicks are obsessed with the white woman though. Talk about white fever. It's very rare to see an Asian man with a white woman walking around Toronto but the reverse is very common.

Asians don't threaten anyone Zhao. You're like kittens. It's cute when you try.

>he argues his racial """""""supremacy"""""""
>meanwhile his people are all race mixing

That guy in the vid was just being a massive cunt and deserves to get knocked out 2.B.H

Did I hit a nerve?

Keep telling yourself that as Asians colonize your country, mooseboi

The truth it, white civilization is ending, the white man is falling, the yellow man rising to the top.

Keep coping

>canadians talking about hitting things
you could'nt even stop a terrorist hit,_Ottawa

>Asians don't threaten anyone Zhao

In the last 100 years of history :
1. Russo-Japanese War
2. World War II
3. Korean War
4. Vietnam War
5. Present day war-mongering (especially by Trump) against China

Yeah ...


Why not just say racist?

when it's any other race spamming racebait shit like this 24/7 everyone around calls him a moron and a cuck
but when it's asians, they actively encourage each other

really made me think, of how we should behead all the chinks, mashallah
even i am annoyed by all this shitposting

We could shitpost back and forth with couples of Asians and whites but you know I'm right. I don't care if some white women date Asians, Asians in general are the most beta race. It's exposed right here in OPs video. Riotous laughter from an audience of women on the prospect of dating an Asian man. You're not threatening and I like to see you squirm :). My last eight years working in an office has given me the chance to see how beta Asian """men""" are and how whites are cucking them. Stop being so insecure.

t. Country that's ruled by Islamists


Actually /r/hapas has done a lot of research on this.

AMWF hapas are 30-50 times overrpresented relative to population size in pro sports, in entertainment, and pretty much at the top of any field.

Oh wait! WMAF hapas dominate becoming mass shooters, criminals, mental cases, and porn stars!

(All WMAF criminals)

Even though there are literally dozens of times more WMAF hapas than AMWF hapas, there are more successful AMWF hapas in the world.

Famous Eurasians on television in 2016:
Sandrine Holt
Jon Foo
Remy Hii
Elodie Yung
Chloe Bennett


List of ways Asians are more alpha than whites:

>less emotional (whites have frequent temper tantrums and are expressive with their big eyes, like women)

>Financially secure and family oriented

>Intelligent and capable

>Are rational

>Success oriented

>Stronger per weight

>Not pale

>Higher testosterone (will link studies in a second)

Keep coping, low IQ snow nigger.

Of course you're working a minimum wage office job. Typical.

Truth hurts.

Which is why you're so desperately responding to everyone's posts that prove you wrong and you can't find a single fact, study or statistic to back up any of your claims, right?

Typical Dunning Kruger retard

US economy is about to get destroyed.

Asians dominate American, Canadian, and Australian mathematics and sciences (look at the top cited papers in the top journals. 40-50 Asian names with 4-5 white ones)

Asians are 4-10x more inventive per capita than whites

The top journal in Chemistry & Material Sciences:
The top journal in Engineering & Computer Science:
The top journal in Physics & Mathematics:

im not reading any of the boring shit you write
I just want you to know you have an unhealthy obsession with amwf couples
too bad you'll never get a gf

Whites shrink, Asians grow.

>Actually /r/hapas has done a lot of research on this.

Of course they have. The Asian gene makes one insecure and beta.

>Keep coping, low IQ snow nigger.

Asians are our bitch. The top echelons of society is white. For every Rich asian doctor there are 5 working in gas stations and complain about the white man on the internet. You should be thanking the white man, if not for him you'd still be cutting peasants heads off with swords.

>then who are the jews for jews?
The reptilians

Keep burying your head in the ground.

It took me 15-20 minutes of googling to find all this information. Just because you are low IQ and can't even read or bother to find the truth for yourself doesn't mean I'm obsessed.

Btw I am a WMAF hapa. The spawn of your inferior genes.

You're still not threatening anyone Zhao. China is a castle made of paper. The future hegemony of Asia is in India. You're so desperately trying to claim supremacy but want so badly into white society it's embarrassing. Please though, send more Asian pussy for me to fuck and thanks a lot for buying my parents home for three times it's worth, they were living on a pension and now get to retire somewhere else. You're not a threat to me or white people Zhang.

>t. Country that's ruled by Islamists
>he can't intergrate his islamists
>he gets bombed by them instead

>Cutting peasant heads off with swords

Nice "education"

Asians invented artillery, mines, rocket artillery, crossbows, gunpowder, cannons, etc.

Whites are our bitches DESU. You owe use ten trillion dollars. 50-60% of Asians are college educated, so no. In America, we are almost all upper-middle class unless you are going to include SEAsians.

The truth it, the world order is shifting. Whites will be inferior to us by a very large margin this century. European countries will literally have smaller economies than Mexico, Brazil and Inodnesia. LOL

Is this why your suicide rates are so high?

Can't cope with the present or the future?

You will never have a white picket fence house and be able to support a family without an education like your grandparents could.

It's over for you. Just keep watching the News.

What is your problem? What did white men even do to us that you need to try to shit on us?

>Btw I am a WMAF hapa.

Your father did the right thing colonizing that gook you call a mother. Sad that the Asian gene made you such a whimp though.

>Not a threat

Oh definitely

Which is why half the American navy is currently in the South China Sea

Which is why Trump is negotiating with Russia, Taiwan, etc

Which is why Obama established the pivot to Asia

Which is why Trump's MAGA talked so much shit about whites losing their jobs to Asians

"Nanananananana Can't hear you!"

It's okay, wittle baby, everything is safe if you close your eyes and hold your ears shut, right?