Dick rate thread.
Dick rate thread
Nice dick, I would let you fuck my girl. She loves fat ones.
Being my nigger this much
post yours with timestamp or 360 and walk away from this thread
He will walk into your penis user
thats the joke
it's almost like there's white foreskin inside your black foreskin.
5/10 R8
R8 mine please I'm new
Id definitely suck it, where do you live user?
rate my dingdong
Not bad, 9/11. How about my Johnson?
It looks like you shit out of your dick
Disgusting. 4/20 couldn't make America Great Again
nice dong, balls are a bit much though
why are the edges of the pic all censored like?
you some kind of liberal pussy?
My dad was in the background of the picture and he didn't wanna be on the Internet.
It looks like a cheap cigar
So you would suck on it or?
Would let you cuck me/10
You would still gag on them
Here's my cock. He may have gotten scuffed by a fox.
Scruffed even.
Very nice. I'd choke it.