What cigarettes do you smoke, Sup Forums friends?

what cigarettes do you smoke, Sup Forums friends?


I can't afford to be a smoker.

Lucky Strike.

die health

Camel Crush. It's a bit of a meme but dammit if I don't love it.

filterless? you're already too cool for me, polfriend

I smoke a new brand everyday desu.
Favourite was Caspian avout 10 years ago, but they don't make them anymore.

No, they have filters. Are there luckies without filters?!

yes, Luckies are available in a filterless variety. i've always thought that luckies were THE filterless cigarette to smoke. aren't they really popular in west?

Yes. And they're among best filterless ones.

"Bond" lights

EU won't let me try those.

Camels, but i smoke mostly when im drunk only.

champion ruby

camel white but they're smuggled from georgia bc regular ones are too expensive

Are cigs cheap in Japan?

I only smoke weed and cigars. Cigarettes are for degenerates

This. Only edgy teenagers smoke nowdays.

>Sup Forums
Okay, I give you that.

218.133446 RUB, mainly.

Oh I expected worse, it's pretty good.
But anyway here's the average price is 100 rubles.

I smoked for like a month until I realized its expensive as fuck, kills you, prevents you from jogging well, and that 99% of smokers were just faggots that wanted to be one of the kool kidz in high school
snus is better

Real men smoke Camels.

Winston XS Caster.

daily reminder that smoking habits make you look older than actually you are, and since it takes the vitamin D, white hair starts to appear rapidly.
My skin is originally tanned, so I look like a hobo.

I haven't got a smoking license

are you from okinawa? i don't see many tan japan friends in osaka or kyoto

A reminder that East Asians and Africans are the only two places in the world where smoking rates are still steady and the rest of the world's smoking rates have been declining for decades


>smoking tobacco

what's the point?

i ran into an american smoking some kind of camels. he asked for one of mine and let me get one of his. it was a turk style or something like that. it was pretty nice.

also, is there a particular way that most people hold cigarettes? the same american told me i smoke like i'm holding a joint

How much is picrelated costs in your cunt? In my one, there is 0.9$

Blue luckystrike


I roll mine now, but if not rolled, then this

Oh yeah, and i would do ecigs if they were available here, they wouldnt harmonia my lungs, and i only smoke like once a week

They keep getting more expensive

Marlboro red


Harsh as fuck. Just one hurts my throat, I can't imagine a pack a dayfags.


Дecи митpe бpaтe


Lucky Strikes, I mostly use them for mixing with more fun tobacco though.

>Cigs will be illegal within your lifetime

Been smoking for 5 years

Anyone else's gums bleeding when they brush ;_;

Philip Morris usually
The tortured emphysema lady looks a bit like Angela Merkel

Marlboro Gold/Winston Blue

>he smokes

in baku? what does a pack of your average cigs cost you?

are you allowed to smoke in public places there?

i smoke cigars these days. smoking pic related right now

Cant afford an addiction

Get a sonic care brush. That shit'll toughen up the gums and you'll have some of the cleanest teeth around.

Most people hold the cigarette between their index and middle finger, just above the second knuckle

I just pick up cigarette butts off the streets and collect them until I have enough tobacco to roll up. This way I only need to buy a lighter, papers and filters.

Marlboro touch

Yeah but they're slowly receding every time i brush, worried if I'm too tough of them they'll disintegrate further

Anybody else that started smoking because of MGS?
I was so fucking cringy as a teen.

I actually knew a crust punk who did that, Christ.


Metal Gear Solid, a videogame series



I started because of peer pressure, like a real man

I know a fair few people who do it. It's pretty common here as cigarettes cost about $20 a pack.

Switch to dipping it's safer

Now I am vaping, previously I smoked Mint Marlboro. In school I smoked cheap Russian cigs like Java, in uni I smoked mostly Pall Mall and blue Winston, than Mint Marlboro and finally I quit smoking and started vaping.

Australia what the fuck

>smokeless tobacco
nice meme, friend

>peer pressure

is that a real thing?
like a faggot constantly going "hey come on smoke one, it'll do nothing to ya I swear"
and you gave in?
if yes then that's pretty sad.

Fuck you. I'm on day 4 with only one smoke, which was Monday night.

I hadn't thought about it for 3 or so hours until this popped up.

Fuck you

I used to, or smoke Camel Light(Blue pack)

Yes, its a bit harsh but I smoke maybe half pack a day

Also, there is quite a lot of taste difference between the ones smuggled from russia-georgia and the ones made in turkey. I've noticed russian-georgian ones are harsher and leave a bad taste in your mouth but they are quite a lot of cheaper if you can find them.

Buy snus, it's superior to cigs in every single way

Nah just one or two of your friends start smoking because they stole some from their older brother or whatever, then adter seeing them smoking for ages you just decide to try it cause it seems to be what the group is doing

Kids are impressionable

blue , no additives
they started to sell blue lucky with a hollow filter
and i dont like em at all and had to change

Can't, I hate it and it's even worse for your teeth than cigs are.

Have a friend who does it, I usually get one of him, if I'm out of cigarettes.

>it's even worse for your teeth than cigs are
I've been using snus since I was about 13, 24 now, my teeth are completely fine.

You can ship everything from fasttech. Also if your city doesn't have vape shop it's a great business idea.

You increase your odds of lung cancer the longer you smoke. If you switch to chew the chances of lung cancer will stop going up and you'll begin to be at a low risk of mouth cancer.

Plus the cancer-tobacco craze is just a meme. It's more dangerous to be fat than smoking for life.

Depends on your genetics really

I started because of neurosis which banned me from drinking alcohol for a year.

fuck, in my hellhole cunt only the poorest beggars do that. Never thought there is that bad in Australia.

Marlboro Blend 27, the only good Marlboro smoke

I did it when I was too young to buy them myself, and smoking was still a fun and cool thing to do.
The best trick is to go to the smoking areas around stores and workplaces, long butts.
Haven't done it in about 10 years though.

Don't you find the smell lingers on you? I love a cigar or smoking my pipes but I need to wash the clothes twice sometimes to get the smell out.

I smoke hookah and vape. Gonna reduce nicotine in juice slowly and quit addiction in a year or two. I actually love smoking and drinking, if it was harmless, I would do that all day long, but I don't wanna die before 70.

It's the smoke that's dangerous, vaping nicotine only makes you addicted, there won't be any serious effects other than that.

haven't had that problem. i only smoke outside.

and i even sometimes smoke some really stinkers like pic related.

just chew gum after if you're worried about it. i actually like the smell of tobacco, so i don't wash my hands after smoking