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Reminder that all ASOIAF discussion and welcome here. And if you have a problem with it you should head back to your subreddit.
This was a fuckin' girl power episode if there ever was one.
>Sansa (aka the stone-cold badass that was promised) telling Jon she'll take on the Bolton's without his help.
>Brienne threatening Mel and straight up telling Davos she was the one to execute Stannis.
>Cercei making plays and getting leverage with the small council.
>Yara/Asha acting like a ruler.
>Dany GETTING SHIT DONE. And without the help of Drogon. Thank god we're not spending a whole season with her just hanging out in Vaes Dothrak (also bewbs)
Even Margary's scene with Loras was the most I've ever liked her. And, well, Osha gave it her best shot. "Fuck yeah" was uttered many a time throughout this episode.
Promise me, Ned
Nth for the true King of Westeros
1st for Davos and Jaime having the same name.
I really, really hope we get to see some more Northern Fucking Shits get BTFO before this season ends. Hopefully the second Tower of Joy flashback will have someone killing Howland, nothing could make me happier.
Promise me, Stannis