You can legally fuck girls born in 2002

>you can legally fuck girls born in 2002

time flies

t. pedojew

also an age of consent below 16 is third world

yeah and fucking guy in the ass is normal

>age of consent is 15

For some unholy reasons everyday I notice some 16-17 year olds giving me eyes. Seriously, it freaks me out sometimes.

you're probably good looking
it took me 23 years to realise this, but people look at you if you're good looking (maybe in a weird way) or just interesting.

2003 here

Maybe I am, but when I was at my 20's almost only women 30 and over looked at me.

>being degenerate
penis is for sticking in vagina

That's what he was trying to say, you homo.

not sure about your country but here in the U.S. the age of consent is 16 in quite a few states.

wow, i waited for this moment all my life

It's 18 here. But you can marry a girl if she's 17 and gives a written consent to the judge.
Tho even if it's 16 where you live, would it really considered normal if you're 30 and fugging some 17 year old?

halo 3 came out 20 years ago...

And consolefags were not considered human since 521 BC.

Being poor is not an excuse to own a PC ;)

Mine costs 3 consoles+tv's for each of them ;)
Nice projection tho.

Depends on the group of people you're around and the how the junior of the couple carries themselves.

Most people will get high and mighty, try to make it seem like a bad idea to date with such a large age gap, but when it's happening to them or in front of them they tend not to care that much.

At 20 I dated a woman 13 years older than me, I met her at 19.

My last GFs uncle married his long time girlfriend and she was 10 years younger than him.

No one cared because the relationships were healthy an functioned as normal.

why anons from the most degenerated countries always try to show their ''''non-degeneration'''?

Basically. I consider realtionship normal if a two persons get through all stages of it, like start with flowers and shit and continue to full relationship.
But most people are retarded novadays, that's why anti-pedo things always become some witch hunts.

because they are first world, and all they do, is progress.

because it turns out countries aren't completely homogenous
and NEETs that post on an afghan finger painting blog usually have views that conflict with their society's values

t. Muhammad van Abdulla.

Each relationship starts differently and takes a different route to what's considered traditional or normal. I think the main thing people are scared of in relationships with an age gap is that the two dating will be in different stages of their life and won't be compatible in that sense,but that could also be true of two 28 year old people dating. Age doesn't save you from wanting to take a different turn in life that isn't always compatible with your spouses. The divorce rate is enough evidence.

I'm 7 years older than my wife and we still managed to be together while 85%(i'm dead serious) marriages in that year ended with divorce after 6 or less months.
Seriously, I don't even know where this society goes anymore.