
rowing edition

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big black crocodile


Business idea: a very long ski for multiple people


>light text on dark background


just cracked open a bee. how's it foing?

who the fuck has the time to write all this pointless as shit?

just stop it

Men have penises which is disgusting and stupid.
>>mushroom snail cancer growing out of your body

got a black ski mask but I don't ski

haha definitely going to read all this

>this Russian document stuff is top read over all news sites

Sup Forums has fucked Trump again
First with the white supremacist frog shit and now this

Underage retards

looks like we've struck a nerve

mate they're endangered already you cant do shit like that

>uses ironic and satirical humor and sarcasm as a substitute for actual critique, and to make their fallacious statements hard to point out and counterargue in a logical fashion

reminder that Cambridge is still TRASHING Oxford at The Boat Race, 82 to 79

trump's fans already either
-Know that it's fake
-Don't care if it's real
all that this does is further demolish trust in mainstream media sources. Sup Forums tried to fuck with a buzzfeed """journalist""" and accidentally ended up 5D chessing in Trump's favour

what was your first board lads?
/fit/ here

You realise the document from the CIA isn't the same thing as the crap Buzzfed was reporting?

>all that this does is further demolish trust in mainstream media sources.

Literally how? It is damaging Trump beyond belief

anything besides Sup Forums and you are literal cancer

closest I've got to getting laid in uni this far was a girl dancing with me in a club but then i realised her breath smelled like spaghetti hoops and I was so disgusted I walked away

the CIA document used the thing buzzfeed reported as a source.

me trying to pull my foreskin back


think it was piss not crap

When did you read the CIA document?

You have no concept of it's happening do you?

Just had my interview for a teacher training program. Pretty sure I got the place desu.

the document from the cia lists smee, maimen, dr pavelheer, button lee, juan ovyu

Abolish the monarchy

Just got my daily CIA document in the post

>not licking out the remaining parts of spaghetti hoops from her mouth

good post

Post retro slavs

abolish anything they replace the monarchy with

me trying to pull my foreskin back

>RUSSIA HELPED TRUMP as a top story on all news sites

>lol u have no ide wat ur talking about lol. Sup Forums is winning dude. are u some kind of Rasheed ???

*replaces the monarchy with the monarchy*

these are the English words which I don't know so far

Rate my English level

why, yes, i like to make a post beginning with "why, yes"

Going for a nap

Sup Forums is just a Russian propaganda arm.

foing and buzzfeed aren't real words, foing is a typo and buzzfeed is a shitty news site

the UTTER state of ribena

that's nice sweetie xx

>GP after tomorrow

ah yes 30 minutes of waiting only to be told that "its all fine" despite having a heart attack

>Rate my English level
It's Japanese level

Should I stay at home at uni to should I move into a flat with so called arrogant students?

so he's developed schizophrenia and deleted his uni work

don't understand how it can be so hateful of complete strangers

bit mean of him

How could someone accidentally put their USB into his computer

move if you want to have a good social life/make friends

tell me how is Korean level

the fucc you say white boi

kings cross looks brilliant lads

t. Normie

about the same

i would HEEM seth meyers

Surprised he didn't eat the gun desu

Haven't properly browsed /brit/ for a few months now.
Is ribena still a thing? Does he still think he's a woman? Has he been sentenced yet? Honestly thought he would have an hero'd by now.

this makes me glad :)


Think I'm getting attracted to traps lads

You're in the UK.
Move out and live with mates in a shared house.
Some of you will be friends with a similar shared house of grills.
Don't get any of them knocked up.

>tfw to smart for Labour

i'm not, but i wish i were. staying at home just made life worse

He got his library wi-fi permabanned from the Chon so that's why he's not being posting here

Fucking spastic. Hope he gets raped in prison

IRA have let themselves go, bit tan too.

>tfw you will NEVER poz poleaboos neg hole in the prison shower

can anybody tell me more about this?

shall be having lots of epic tales


>not hatting a why yes

Left my flat share and went back home after only 2 weeks

That was underwhelming.
Muslim test.

at least you gave it a go

>Hope he gets raped in prison
so does he, probably

It's a very very very long story

in short he stalked a girl at his uni, got kicked out, pissed his pants, and is now a tranny
(he's also from a muslim family so that makes the tranny stuff a bit odd)

toast n marmalade

>mfw even Victorian industrial gasholders are ornate and detailed

what the FUCK happened to british architecture

i think leaving out the part where he filmed a girl in the bathroom is significant

after world war 2 we were spending a lot of money on nuclear weapons, so instead of funding proper housing developments we ended up with the shitty 60s and onwards buildings which are all unanimously terrible

we don't have enough money for nice things

put the monarchy in charge again


i should've studied architecture
i would make it great again :(

kek no, you would be molded into and forced to churn out those plain modern designs

SO this is the Boomer's Legacy, FOR SHAME!

oh no not him

>victorian = queen victoria

wew. mind blown

Why does the mail call themselves conservative and yet when you read something from there you always have that dreadful "don't miss this old whore we photographed in secret in her bikini" row to the right?

oh dear
hope the holy ghost blesses his poor soul


lmao more like /shit/

>hope the holy ghost blesses his poor soul

Need, absolutely NEED a North African gf, lads.

>jacobian= king james
not a fan

beat it kazahkoon