Why is Sup Forums so influential in internet culture but not referenced in movies and shows?
Why is Sup Forums so influential in internet culture but not referenced in movies and shows?
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>not referenced in movies and shows?
Did you really not see The Dark Knight Rises?
mentioned just as recently in Pixels, the Adam Sandler movie. Think the character went so far as to mention /x/.
Also who cares
You seriously watched Pixels?
I did and it actually wasn't bad.
People who blindly hate things they don't even see are ignorant.
but turning off your brain so you can mindlessly like things is fine?
Show me where I said that.
A lot of comics mention Sup Forums by name, but they always allude to it like it's still 2008 and Sup Forums is "the internet hate machine" and the entire site is Sup Forums.
>Think the character went so far as to mention /x/.
is there a video?
Do you think the jews ever ask questions like this about themselves?
Back to your question though, Sup Forums is haram in normie culture. You should know this
I find it ironic how places like Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, etc. All very big companies, all fall in the end because they fall out of flavour yet this place has influenced the internet culture more than others, I wonder if it's to do with the anonymity? Definitely plays a role in it I believe.
It has an extremely negative connotation.
/x/ fag here, can confirm. It was an indirect mention, if I remember correctly. I don't have a video though.
pedo posters
I think it's hard to reference it. Like, do movies and shows reference r*ddit often? I think it would feel shoehorned most of the time.
They may need to have celebrities give approval of it for cool points to stay afloat but I remember there's a scene in TBBT where Sheldon wears a Reddit shirt.
But it's going to be interesting to see how many movies reference both sites.
I could see how it would make sense if the context of a show like TBBT. Though I think Sup Forums's anti-normie factor would probably stop most attempts to reference it in favor of something more mainstream like reddit. I think writers would be hesitant to stick Sup Forums in.
Who runs Hollywood?
More importantly what outlook is commonly projected about them here?
Do you think the current Nerd trend that's been around for the past decade nearly is what give Reddit mainstream attention? They've definitely hopped on the bandwagon just to get popular but I wonder what will happen to them once it's over and done with.
No direct references, but you see the influence in the shitty writing of late night tv shows
>late show with stephen colbert
>he talks about spooky skeletons and how we all have one inside of us
>daily show with trevor noah
>mentions how some things are eternally fused together
>like being a virgin and wearing a fedora
Somebody else om here told me that it was obvious on Conan's show too, I don't watch, so I couldn't tell you.
Are you retarded? Seriously, how stupid are you? Do you have zero grasp of the English language?
Don't hear much of Sup Forums in pop culture, just anonymous and not nearly as often as it used to
reminder that most Sup Forums posters don't give half a shit about jews
Gamergate episode on law and order, mr robot having a Sup Forums styled site open in a browser and some other shit which I forget atm. Who cares? You feel validated when you see that or what?
I don't really know much about reddit. I can't stand their thread structure, so I never use it. But it's infinitely easier to reference and more accessible than Sup Forums. At least if you reference reddit you know that your viewers will go to their main site and the top link is going to be some guy's cat or something. If you reference Sup Forums, there's a non-zero chance your viewers will go there and see some Polish pedo posting 8-year-old girls.
I have to imagine that the nerd trend helps reddit to some extent. I don't know much of their content or userbase is related to that though. I hear normies discussing reddit pretty regularly.
>No Louie Theroux documentary about the culture war between Reddit vs Sup Forums
Can you imagine how beautiful it would be
Pixels was fucking garbage and this is coming from someone who enjoys Adam Sandler movies.
>culture war between Reddit vs Sup Forums
This sounds retarded. DOes reddit even talking about Sup Forums on their site?
Holy shit please be joking
reddit isn't self-aware enough to care about Sup Forums
4chan is so autistic that it must constantly compare itself to reddit
neither of these traits is particularly enviable
hello 9gag
ytmnd pls go
>and this is coming from someone who enjoys Adam Sandler movies
My ex-girlfriend was tarded. She's a pilot now
Too hot to handle
Too cold to hold
Full of young men and women who are cass and bold
Looks like trash but worth more than gold
> culture war between Reddit vs Sup Forums
> culture
> plebbit
They mention us in video games, though.
As the lamest char in the game.
newsgrounds, plz
Because apparently Donald Trump is the new all-powerful boogeyman, greater than the Internet Hate Machine, and also behind AVGN.
>culture war between Reddit vs Sup Forums
that's the same people
that's what Sup Forumstards said, as soon as the james shitstorm took off they started rambling about trump, no wonder an outsider links the two things
I had to stop watching after about 40mins, it was awful drivel.
I always wonder what celebrities might be regulars here and in their interviews I try and piece together if that said person would be the type to stick around. Hi Shia :)
It's perfectly fine and is known to relieve stress. It only becomes a problem when you actively seek it out.
Justin Roiland. Dan Harmon's hopelessly addicted to reddit.
isn't the movie Smiley LITERALLY about Sup Forums?
Paul Latza
Anonymity is a big factor.
You can say what ever you want and not get ostracized.
Sup Forums is still too edgy. Places like Reddit are pretty clean in the way they do things, they're pretty PC.
The majority of things you get here, even ones we treat as innocuous, would be seen as offensive as fuck anywhere else. Christ, just look at the use of the word "fag" as a suffix. I don't even consider it, but even saying that is enough to get you hounded out of the media.
Smiley, the 2012 horror film, did, and Sup Forums lost its mind.
Why do all you supposed non-redditors know so much about Reddit?
>Christ, just look at the use of the word "fag" as a suffix. I don't even consider it, but even saying that is enough to get you hounded out of the media.
Sup Forums is wrapped up in so many layers of irony I don't think it would translate properly.
If you had watched that movie you would know.
There are multiple memes sneaked into the opening plane scene, for example when FBI says to Joker "You're a big guy" that's a reference to an old Sup Forums meme from 2007 called baneposting. Look it up.
Are you implying that isn't true?
>Internet culture
>says posting a meme pic of the meme candidate on the memest board
Being influential doesn't always get you a lot.
Pewdiepie has like 44 million subscribers, but he only makes like what, 10 million a year? He makes less than 25 cents on each subscriber.
If any actual company had his number of followers, it'd be a multi billion dollar company.
That was eight-chan faggot
You think Sup Forums is more influential than facebook and youtube?
They literally have a subreddit dedicated to posting screenshots they took on Sup Forums.
As far as I know, they like Sup Forums and like coming here, but Sup Forums doesn't like them.
Kind of like America and Mexican immigrants.
>DOes reddit even talking about Sup Forums on their site?
>tfw I literally don't know or care
>only [...] 10 million a year
It's a lot but not compared to the amount of his subscribers. Do you have reading comprehension?
How's it going Reddit?
Hola r/TheDonald
Reddit is bigger than Sup Forums but supposedly manipulates it from behind the shadows. Reddit denies that though. Something Awful makes the same claim about this place though. Really it's a matter of perspective and how far you're willing to stretch the term 'manipulate'.
In terms of internet culture, it is.
I don't see how anyone can claim that anywhere other than Sup Forums itself runs Sup Forums. This place is too anarchic for anything else.
The wall just got 10 feet higher Pedro
Because people who write TV shows and movies don't browse it and more than likely don't know what it is.
You're doing great buddy
Facebook and Youtube's content are nothing but recycled garbage from other sites.
Not really. SeeYou'd be surprised how many OC donut steel 4chin memes can be traced back to places like SA or random non entity websites. AYY LMAO came from a Mexican paranormal activity forum.
WHOA I didn't know this! brb, gonna add this to the movie trivia on IMDB! :3
nothing is of interest to the media except to the extent it can make them money. Sup Forums makes little money even for its owners.
>Mexican paranormal activity forum
added to my list
>Why is Sup Forums so influential in internet culture but not referenced in movies and shows?
Same reason nobody talks race at work...
A large percentage of Americans can't handle honest discussion on race, so we learn to keep our opinions to ourselves.
America is a 2 tiered culture now... the public facing PC culture vs. what the general public actually thinks/feels...
>77 posts and not one mention of smiley
Drop the PC part and this is how all dictatorships started.
There was a Pedobear reference in Knock Knock
No one can turn off their brains, you goddamn retard.
No it didn't you fucking reddit newfag. It came from a Sup Forums mod posting the alian pic and ayy lmao under it for like a week
It's a buzzword conservatives on this site use to irritate liberals on this site, and they feel it's justified due to the fact that they know that Chris Hardwick use it.
> "Their goal was to spoil the end of the movie, post pornography and gore on any website that talks about it, rate the movie really low... it was this horrible vendetta, like they wanted to destroy it because we talked about Sup Forums in the movie."
>they wanted to destroy it because we talked about Sup Forums in the movie
Here's you're answer op. Sup Forums doesn't like it when they're referenced in movies.
My bad. But yes it is
It actually gets referenced quite a bit when certain situations arise in shows. Of course, Sup Forums isn't directly referenced and when it is it's negative press. You could probably consider every stupid, outdated, misused meme that's referenced on tv shows as a sort of pseudo- indirect, unintentional reference to Sup Forums.
>he thinks the general public has similar views to his own
if that were the case you wouldn't be here
>It's a buzzword conservatives on this site use to irritate liberals
Nope. It's a buzzword people on this site use to irritate redditors
I liked it :)
A huge portion of the general public have conservative views. You don't see this because the media is and always has been overwhelmingly liberal
>everybody secretly agrees with me
Sure thing. It's not like this place isn't known for having a population of small but vocal maladjusted obsessive posters among a large myriad of casual ones.
>views on race
He's right, though. The media is pretty much incapable of having an honest discussion about race
wow, at first I didn't believe you and checked
wow, they really hate Sup Forums