Fuck Oxycontin. Christ I've let this shit lord over me far too long. Going on a long trip through withdrawal now...

Fuck Oxycontin. Christ I've let this shit lord over me far too long. Going on a long trip through withdrawal now. Shit sucks, yo. Anyone have any tips on reducing withdrawal symptoms?

what are your withdrawal symptoms like?
try slowly tapering it off I heard that works...

I had xanax withdrawal and I cold turkey'd it, one of the fuckin worst things I've had

Never cold turkey. Always taper. Take drugs in moderation and things like this wouldn't happen. Seek a doctor for methadone if you can't take the heat you irresponsible fuck.


it's irresponsible but often outta desperation, you can't blame him.... everyone has their crutch

Mind over matter, bud.
Only the weak go through this fate.

My body feels like all the muscles are like...tense or something? I don't even know how to put it. When I'm laying down I have to constantly move my limbs to flex my muscles otherwise this strange feeling builds up in them until I practically have to reflexively do it.

My chest often feels constricted to some degree, like something is slowly squeezing my insides.

Yeah I know I screwed up, really. Got on this shit when life kind of exploded on me, been strung along by addiction to it for a few years.. I'm not on a heavy heavy dose like some but it's enough to practically incapacitate me when I 'm not on it...


Try weed. It helps. Maybe not a lot, but just enough. Don't look back on opioids until you know you're mentally fortified to handle the consequences should you fuck up again (though I wouldn't recommend it, but since most seem to relapse, be mentally fit before then).


Yeah, I have a friend who could get me some weed... Haven't been a big user, but I can imagine why it would help.

Har har, yes, that certainly would solve my withdrawal problem...

ITT: Normies that don't understand how addiction works.

#1 - Don't go on MDone or Subs, the withdrawal is weaker but 4 times as long.

#2 - Get a bunch of Kratom online. Green Maeng Da for energy and Red Bali to relax. They'll hit your mu-opiod receptors and get you over the edge.

#3 - Take MDMA sparingly to give yourself a happy break from death.

#4 - Good luck!

#5 - Mushrooms helps to give yourself a new positive perspective and I think somewhat resets your receptors some, like Iboga.

>not doing W-18
get some W-18 mate

That shit sounds scary as hell man.

did it cold turkey with help in a rehab think they gave me low doses of suboxen been years

valium, weed, codeine and similar all help,
loperamide makes it way easier,
don't do mdma a la ,
check out reddit /r/opiates there's a few decent wd guides on there

I'll take a look, thanks

Check that you get most of the essential nutrients.
and then small amounts of weed and high amounts of meditaion. Learn how to breathe, it will relax you like nothing else.

warm baths for the muscle pain, along with a OTC pain reliever. Smoke the weed it helps. The pharms are much harder to come off of than heroin.

And take it easy, step it down gradually.

codeine is an opioid, if you're trying to quit opioids that's not really what you want. It will provide relief, but it will lengthen the process and a supply would mean possible binges and relapses. Cocain, and stimulants in general may provide relief too, but may end up with you substituting your addiction. Valium may cause problems for the same issues. Smoke weed, or get professional help. When you're off the withdrawals you could try some safe psychedelics to help you battle the actual addiction.

also sauna and cold showers combined. Feels so amazing and relaxing afterwards.

Also, if possible, work out.

You're fighting the right fight man. One of my closest friends passed away about 2 months ago from an overdose of most likely oxy and some other shit. People care about you, it's just incredibly hard to help someone in your situation. Don't let your addiction blind you to the people around you, things are working out.

Gimme all your OCs

Absolutely, and combined with sauna after a workout.. it's incredible, and it makes your muscles heal so much faster

Appreciate the kind words man, I can definitely use them.

Getting through the withdrawal isn't the hard part, it's the psychological grip it will have on you FOREVER. I've been off opiates for years but still don't have the will power to be around them

Other drugs help...like speed bc you're not gonna be sleepin anyway.

Yeah I've heard that before, and it's much heeded... I know I have a tough struggle ahead of me, but I feel like I utterly hate them enough right now to at least get this part done...

Later on when I'm remembering the feeling of being on them or seeing them, I hope I can remember the pain the comes with it. Honestly for some time now I've only been dosing enough to stave off withdrawal with some minor level of highs when I 'm feeling particularly blue, so I've felt nothing really amazingly positive from them for some time. Hope that can fact can help keep me in check for the years to come...

What kind of ocs were you doing Op?

I've been there bro. Withdrawal is shit but putting yourself through it is the best thing you could possibly do. It only goes up from here. Good luck.

I had the 30mg oxycodones, the blue A215 pills. Also the green OP 80mg time release ones.

I always cut them up though, I didn't take them whole. If anything, the last remaining willpower I had kept me from increasing what I took. So I would take like a half of the 30, and a quarter of the 80 a day.

ask for gabapentin



google kratom

Yes. You could try taking some oxycotin. hi hear the best cure for withdrawal is to resume use.

Kind of like a car that runs put of gas. Just add more gas.

I used to crush 3 30s just to get my day going..fucking sucks when you do a whole 30 and you are still sick

Bro seriously get off them and never look back when you are just trying to not be sick the party is over as you know..you are only just trying to feel normal. You will feel 2x as normal in a month or 2 and wont need them ever again

WINRAR. Get kratom online. It does wonders.

I have the kratom ready..I am on 5mg of methadone. Should I taper any lower or just step off and start the kratom?

Take an AMPAkine like Piracetam or Aniracetam more preferably.

You sound retarded and closed minded.

>you are only just trying to feel normal.
You seriously put into words exactly how I've felt for a year now. It's never been about the high these days, always just being able to function. I can't wait to put this whole mess behind me.

Pharmacology bud. Everything is more complex if you look to the right answer

I'd reccomend tapering possible. If going cold turkey get weed(if you smoke) and imodium(anti-diarheal). Was on every opiate you can get prescribed by a doctor for my herniated disks and doctor stop prescribing them leaving me at a methadone clinic, big mistake the withdrawal (cold turkey) which im 1.5 months into is hellishly long. Withdrawal for heroin can last for only a week, methadone will last for more than a month. Id stay away from it, but for real just tough it out and understand that it does get better, its only a temporary period of discomfort not the end of time or your happiness. Of course if you become violently ill and feel like your dying go to the ER even to just say you have stomach flu to get fluids(but dont accept opiates yah fuck) Good luck faggot. :)

>im with you here guy. best thing you can do is a short sub taper, like 5 days tops, start with 4mg first day, then second day take 2mg, then 2mg again 3rd day, then 1mg then 1mg then stop.. its going to suck but it doesnt last forever.. after that you got about 3-5 days of feeling like the flu and thats how you gotta look at it, not something you can fix and just pretend you are sick and cant do shit about it but let it runs its course.. i promise you after 5 days off everything including the subs you will start to feel amazing and besides only sleeping for about 3 hours tops a night for a week or two youll be fine. and in the end its so rewarding to feel normal again and not be a slave to the daily grind to try to find money or drugs to feel normal.. you can do it user. godspeed

You can feel like yourself again user
I thought I lost that feel forever
But you are still under that mess of receptors in your head I promise you. Work towards feeling like you did before you picked up the shit. You will get little glimpses each day.
I sat in my driveway for hours just content to feel normal.

smoke some crack.
withdrawl symptoms are gone.
shits a wonder drug

p.s. - i made it to shooting dope and have gotten off of it.. dont go there because its just a temporary fix at first using less money and getting twice as high.. but in the end its all the same. a big circle you run in chasing your ass and losing everything as slow or fast as your personality lets it slip.. just make up your mind, and commit, and treat it like a sickness.. its no worse than having strep throat for a week.

This tbh. Only thing that even made me feel halfway better after the concussion I got during my bachelor party.

Kratom. Lots of places online you can order it. Did the trick for me when I kicked hydros. It has alkaloids that work on the opoid receptors. In small doses, it has a stimulant effect. saveonkratom daht kahm is where I went to get mine.