Be swedish empire

>Be swedish empire
>Wage religious war against germany, an event that made at least 1/4 of the population die
>Start the deluge against poland, taking everything that wasn't nailed down. It ended up Killing 1/3 of the countrys population and devastated it more than during ww2
>Steal danish clay and begin a brutal cultural assimilation, Killing thousands and torturing all those who protested.

Feels good man

Other urls found in this thread:

Good Sweden, go Sweden

he se

>skip to 21th century
>get raped by niggers and muslims economically, socially and terretorially

karma is real

>Be pole
>Steal swedish Jobs working with a piss poor wage
Karma is real

>still better than poland


more like
>be pole
>move west
>get the same job but without constant overtime, better job condition and 6 times better pay
what you call piss poor is pure gold for averege 400E per month earning easter europoor

We didn't start these wars. It was the catholics who wanted to convert Lutherans to the "true" faith.


Sweden could've imported Eastern Euros instead of niggers and sandniggers but because of Schengen you guys just work here and then return to your countries with your money.


actulally poles tend to go to norway. over hundred thousands and raising. bet there will be polish city in norway soon. i mean there is only like 4mil norks right?

>Implying your eastern european pay is enough to afford living in norway

Daily reminder that Finns were good boys and had nothing to do with the atrocities committed by Swedes. Finnish soldiers treated locals with humility and respect.

>Be swedish empire
>sharia law means all my base are belong to allah
>wife is executed for having hair
>sell children for bread
>at least my goat loves me

Feels halal man

Finns were literally Swedes. The Finnish identity was invented by Russians after they stole the land.

If finns were swedes why did riksvenska bully eastlanders?

They didn't. That's pure historical revisionism.

Because you were pussies enough to get taken by Russia instead of fighting for your fatherland, perkelle

what dude

>compared to kaiser Reinhard

hgggnh feels good indeed


actually I should change it to yohio

yohio a qt

>taking everything that wasn't nailed down.
Because of pic rel.
>It ended up Killing 1/3 of the countrys population and devastated it more than during ww2
Mostly because of famine and plague.


Also wasn't it Finns who committed most of the atrocities?

>be Swedish Empire
>invade Russia
>lose your empire

>mocking one the first nations to recognise you as a sovereign state

Idk, there is pretty much impossible for it to be any reliable source of that

Finnics lived in caves until you civilized them


What, are you surprised they side with Russia now? In 2017?

And he's not wrong. We fell for the bait that is western Russia, Napoleon-style.

>be swedish
>be virgin
>sister is liberated and fucked 25 men before 18

Swedes were nasty cunts. Germans believed finns used witchcraft against them because of the weird language and succes but regular swedes were known for making them drink literally boiled shit and killing everyone

>>Be Norwegian
>>Work Norwegian fast food Jobs and think you're better than everyone.
>Karma is real

daily reminder the swedish king couldnt bother paying salaries to the hakkapelitta cavalry so he allowed them to loot and plunder anything for payment. Finnish cavalry were rapist-raiders

daily reminder that if you didn't participate in 1WW or 2WW you're just pussy

Swedes just doing some much needed population control.

They laid the bound servant on the ground, stuck a wooden wedge into his mouth, and poured into his belly a bucket full of foul manure water, which they called a Swedish Drink.

You retards gave tax freedom to finnish families for 5 generations that armed a hakkapeliitta and sent him to the swedish crown and later realized half of the country isnt paying taxes

"you retards"

You realize you were as much part of the swedish empire as we were? there wasnt a "finnish people" and a "swedish people". We were the same

well sweden consciously made different rules for finnish peasants during 30 years war because swedes knew they are "different" for the language and such. I'm not denying that finns werent seen as random east swedes for rest of the history tho
makes me drop a tear

>Use of the Schwedentrunk is recorded in the histories of towns throughout Southern Germany. Though specific circumstances differed, in every case a restrained and gagged victim was forced to swallow (by means of a funnel) a large amount of unappetizing, sometimes boiling liquid. Substances such as urine, excrement, liquid manure, and sullage were used for this purpose.

>Apart from disgust, illness, and the possibility of bacterial infection, the Schwedentrunk inflicted intense gastric pain. Because liquids are incompressible, the victim's stomach and bowels must expand to painful proportions to accommodate the copious quantities of fluid. The torturers then squeezed the distended belly with wooden boards or trampled the victim underfoot.

>It was used to force peasants or town citizens to hand over hidden money, food, animals, etc., or to extort sex from women.

wtf I hate us now

>>Wage religious war against germany, an event that made at least 1/4 of the population die
wtf I LOVE sweden now!

>ywn be as stylish as knugen

WTF I hate Polan nouw