Just matched with this girl

Just matched with this girl
Get me laid, DUBS

Ask her if she's in to Amazon and anal


Where are you from?

Fuck me and I will marry so you can get a greencard

cmon Sup Forumsros

Will you shit on my chest while I jack off to a picture Jerry Seinfeld

ey bby u wan sum fuk?

Re roll


Do people have anal sex in your country?


Re roll

my mom forces me to talk to girls or she will delete my minecraft account, only respond if you won't take away my minecraft time



r u a bot?

i love when my uncle tom fucks my asshole

why am i wasting time getting you laid by a bot?

I'm a registered sex offender

i love when uncle jerry fucks my tight,young, juicy ass

Do you like Pegging

Obi-wan has taught you well

Let me see douse tittez

Free butt sex?

Lol winrar


Hi very nice to meet you. Would you like to have intercourse, after this short discourse, mmmm'lady


OP here. Let's make this faster, dubs and everything above counts!








I hope they have Star Wars where bots are from.



I'm not one for small chat lets just fuck, I matched with you because we both think each other is hot so let just get our bodies into the motion and fuck.

I want to take you on a hot date and have a children with your melo melo's

roll then im out





I don't understand why all these virgins try to purposely sabotage tits

Whatever she answers just say "Can I stick my lightsaber in your Sarlacc pit?"

what app is that?

It's not gonna suck it's self


kek, winrar

OP is kill?


You're wasting your dubs



So, thread dead now?

say "ich hätte gerne ein bild von deinen titten"

You heard me, that's right. Your gay. You're a real homosexual. And this is coming from swagBoyMinecrafter76; the worlds greatest and most intellectual commenter online. And you know what's worse? Last night after teletubbies marathons, I fucked your mom, AND she died. Feels bad? k thx bye. I don't give a shit. See this is because at only the age of 18 I have conquered the human brain. I'm a self driven intellectual born to wreck havoc on your opinions via keyboard stroke. I'm here to fuck you up fag-boy, and there's nothing you can say about it. See now that you're crying lemme just tell you: not only are you gay, but your grammar is shit. That's right. I go to middle school english class, and this gives me the ultimate ability of an english god. So anytime you write some incorrect grammar or miss that, you know, punctuation mark, I'll be sure to point it out for you. And I might even call you a faggot along with it, fag. It doesn't even matter that I'm failing 7th grade, I'm smarter than you because I said so. I don't even try. I don't study for anything. I'm a genius. My frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet, but I can use big synonyms for normal words, and I can type over 100 words per minute. That's right, I've the word gay so many times that my fingers just fly through the sweaty, cheeto encrusted keys. Not only are you an idiot, but I'm a genius, and when I'm older, I think I'll be the next Albert Einstein. And maybe I'll get a masters degree in quantum physics too. Oh and my dick is a lot bigger than yours. We're talking 9 inches flaccid. Still mad? Cry more kiddo XD. Hit me up on minecraft.net for nudes. I'll be posting Let's Plays uh, all night long baby. EpicMinecraftLoser98 signing out. Quickscope ya later ehahaha.


Holy mother of tits



It has been spoken.


OP is kill?

did she respond????

double dubs!!!!

nice trips

I got double dubs then trips!



OP seems to be nigger faggot





this dude


Thrad is getting gay af. ABANDON!



roll modafuckaa