Share weird stories of what happened to you when you were abroad

Share weird stories of what happened to you when you were abroad.
My must weird one happened to me when I was in Belgium. I was just sitting in cafe eating my mille-feuille when I saw a german man choking and no one around was giving a shit. I quickly runned at him and start to hit his back so he would spit whatever got stuck on his throat. Then that guy looked at me with terror in his eyes and made even louder choking noises. And then police came in and arrested me.
Figures out, that was just a dutch guy speaking in dutch on telephone.



great memeage

Good bread.


why the fuck would I share anything personal in this scum ridden site?

kiss my ass lol

Well meme'd. Inshallah my friend.

very rude

When I was in Amsterdam I saw a guy who was lying right in the street. Probably it was a tourists and he had his first experience with weed. Police took him to a bench in the shadow and gave him coca-cola. He was +-OK after 5 minutes or so.

life is rude

now kiss my ass

haven't you got one of my toilets to be cleaning, Szymon? chop chop

>be in france as tourist
>there is a mouse in the room
>get scared and carry mouse in glass outside
very scary

holy shit i wish i was there

>some irrelevenat britshit gives me a (you)

I said kiss my ass not brown nose it, fucking stupid scumbag

Please forgive her, she's getting trough puberty age.

Wrong pronouns my friend


That's my illegitimate daughter, m8.

Ok then. But you should look after your kids more carefully you know.

I have over 100 illegitimate ones, m8, it's hard to look after all of them.

my cousin got abducted by serbian aliens

Yep, an usual day at Mallorca.

Tell us more.