Why do you want a gf?

Why do you want a gf?

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so i can have many babies and sav the hwite race

It's cheaper to live and share finances with someone than it is alone.

I want a bf

too much trouble

I use grindr


Depends on with what kind of person do you live with.


hello yes i volunteer

But I don't

I like a lot of women but I don't want them. I just want a friend with whom you can talk when it's bad I listen to it when it is bad.

It's an objective fact though.


So I can stop feeling alone.

dom, i don't switch

This gib babby must save whit race

Because Niggers Muslims and other filth are having 7 children per couple while Europeans are below 0.


I'm just saying. I would absolutely destroy you from behind

Cheaper to live

Companionship, someone who gives a shit about me and a vagina to park my penis in.


no word of a lie even, 9/10 doctors agree I am an absolute jackhammer.

Shut up, minority.


what did he mean by this?

Because living for your own is boring and life is way too long. I need someone close whom I can make happy and therefore make happy myself.

Why do i have a girlfriend?

So I can lose my virginity and say I've had one.
Me being single is starting to become socially unacceptable.

For closeness. Just the human touch.

I will always be alone.

75% of women in the world will suck your dick just for having blonde hair

t. pedojew

I have mousy brown thin hair and dull green eyes.
I also can't grow a proper beard.
I am from the north.

Because I'm constantly horny.

is that the cute weightlifter lady?



no, it's the cute thicc buzzcut lady Stefania Ferrario

Oh yeah, I recognize her now.

atleast you are wealthy

because my parents keep making me feel bad about it

I'm not even rich, in Finnish terms.
My net worth is maybe 60,000€, that's not even in the top 25% for my age group (~75 976€ in 2013) of 25-34 year olds.

Nice tree
Dude i earn like 6000 usd at year as much and i still can afford traveling around the cunt and doong stuff, rent eat, you are a fucking millionaire

Exactly, I make 140k a year and Im in that age group


you could buy a house for that amount in Mexico. Or start a business or something. Jesus

Hey mexican guy, come to work in finland for 6mths and go back to your country to live as a rich man rest of the year?

you would need someone to sponsor your visa. I personally plan on using a Work travel visa to work in France, save money and maybe start a business or buy some property

I already have one