I like a girl. We've been spending a lot of time together. Except the last few days, she's been busy

I like a girl. We've been spending a lot of time together. Except the last few days, she's been busy.

If she gets done shit in time we're hanging out tonight. I still haven't made a move. I'm about 63.7% sure she likes me. I'm completely infatuated with her. Haven't felt this way about a woman in years, if ever.

Anyway, she leaves town for a week tomorrow. Do I let her know how I feel tonight if I see her, or do I wait until she gets back?

pic unrelated

wait until you die then make your move

Is it weird to try to cross from friends into more just before she leaves town? It's killing me keeping it in. I assume she suspects I like her but I'm not sure.

Last time I saw her was Friday night. She invited me over at 10 pm and I stayed until 2 am. It was the first time I'd been to her place.

She isn't attracted to zombies, so that's not going to work.

Hint it. Women think too much. If you tell her how you feel she will either come back to you or come back and avoid you.

I asked a couple friends for advice. They both basically said they'd been in relationships so long they don't know how the dating world works any more. I don't know how I'll get through this next week.

Like how?

Dude. Next time you're with her, physically near her, laughing at a joke or something, say "I want to kiss you" and start moving in for the kill.

If she invited you over at 10 until 2 she either wants you to slam it or she thinks you're queer.

You have way more to lose not making a move than you do being rejected.

I wish I made a move forever ago. She's so perfect. I usually hate dating, women are so boring and I hate who I am with them. But she's fascinating and I'm so funny with her.

Puppy love. Grow up.

I can see how the late night thing sounds intimate, but we've been hanging out a lot, often past midnight on weeknights. 10 pm on a weekend doesn't seem late. And she's friends with a lot of guys, I didn't mention that. I think it's normal for her to have completely platonic male friends.

But even when we're in a group we're almost always together. She pretty much became both my crush and best friend within three days of us meeting.

Just make a move, OP. If you lose the friendship so be it. Being just friends would be torture anyway.

Why? I usually have trouble even getting a tiny bit excited about a girl. How is it a bad thing? Pretty much the best thing in life at this point.

ok wait until your 93 think of a great one liner the best

Maybe it would. But she's amazing. I've known her three weeks yet I can't even imagine my life without her anymore.

why havent you made a move? honestly it might be slightly too late. i try to make it clear to girls that im romantically / sexually interested almost immediately

At the beginning we were in a group a lot. And she said that she was "retired from dating" when someone asked her if she was dating anyone. And I'm a nervous type guy and honestly usually women make moves on me. I love every moment with her, I was afraid of ruining things.

So what's the consensus? Make a move tonight if I can, even though she's gone for the next week?

make a move / tell her how you feel.. duh. don't spaghetti on her tho.. kiss her if there's a good opportunity, and take it as far as you can, or tell her you want to be with her. i'd go for the former.. it's better to ask forgiveness than permission in these sort of circumstances imo.

So tonight then? And then what? I wonder if it might be good. I get the first week of the "relationship" free. I can't really mess up because she's out of town. Then by the time she's back it feels like we've already been together for a week.

I was in a similar situation a few days ago OP. I actually asked this girl if I could kiss her, then even she said yes I didn't catch what she said and she had to repeat it. Then we spent the night making out and cuddling. The moral of the story is if girls like you you can be as autismo as you want, if they don't like you you're fucked no matter how smooth you are

Out of sight, out of mind. Make your move now.

One time four years ago I had a girl I met on here at my place. Believe it or not she was 18 and hot. I was too afraid to make a move so I texted her "Cuddles: Y/N?" as she was sitting next to me on the couch. She said (aloud) "Why did you text me that?" I then put my arm around her. Ten minutes later she pushed me down on the couch and started making out with me and taking her clothes off.

pics or it didn't happen

I don't have pics. But sometimes pretty girls just like me and do most of the work. Another hot girl who I was friends with told me she wanted to sleep in my bed with me instead of using my guest room. I was a 21 year old virgin at the time, and although we didn't go all the way that night, we started dating and she was my first fuck.