Europe fertility rate

Europe fertility rate

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hungary pls no
what are you doing

Don't worry. Germany, Spain and Greece have been saving for this.

It should be raised to 3 per family at least

Italy as well

You know what to do, quit Sup Forums and start a family, lads. I'm sure there will be a lucky girl that you will make very happy :)

Germans and french have to have some kind of a different system on how pensions work compared to nordics/swiss/brits because having no pensions is simply not possible.

Any french/germanfag want to explain how pensions work there?

Italians 1.40, meanwhile useless ugly shits Finns almost at 2, backwards world

Yeah, it's called the younger generation pays for the older generation. And the younger generation can't afford it.

We have it as well, but because we saw the problem coming we started saving privately as well.

>Cut child benefits to curb abuse by muslims
>Import muslims to combat declining birth rate


Really depends,some countries have a very high ''unique social tax'' which is a tax that companies pay to the social security.
Everything will workout eventually.

Why aren't the muslims in germany breeding while those in the uk, ireland, france and sweden are?

German get Turks, bongs and frogs get Arabs

It's from 2011, it would probably look different today for all of nothern Europe

I'm sure they got plenty of muslims in the past few years

t. Achmed

old graph, raped german teens didnt have time to give birth yet

We have very few Arabs we are mostly Pakis desu

Except the birth rate of whites and others in France are quite close actually.


Who cares. White people deserve to die since 90% of us are faggots.

There are no fucking Muslims in Ireland

Irish families are always quite big, our fertility rate used to be wayyy higher. I come from a family of 9.

Obviously they've done a better job of integration.

we actually did that a few years ago but people haven't really realized the potential of private savings and bitch about MUH PENSIONS and MUH GOVERNMENT MONEY

You have unemployed gypsies

Seems ike Europe is getting blonder/whiter from these maps, not so bad. Northerners are breeding a lot more, Portugal is too full anyway

Irish travellers do actually work manual labour contrary to popular belief that they just fight all the time

No they are subhumans,like you potatonigger

good, housing is too espensive as it is

We've been hovering around 2 for many decades now. The mudslimes don't seem to have made much of an impact.

Hope a refugee rapes your mother and sister and stabs your pathetic little bitter head to bits you rodent, Germans deserve to die out, everything wrong with Europe comes there

The young southern Euros are moving north to have children


careful with that edge, friendo :)

Why are you entertaining a Turk?
That's obviously cancer. How can you not tell the difference?

>all this butthurt over such a weak insult

It's normal. People need to have their pensions, they don't to see their money vanish because of a stupid stock exchange investment.
Also pension funds are huge and not very rational, they create all sorts of speculation problems.

The young southern euros don't have kids anywhere.

Most white couples I know have at least 2 kids. Arabs today tend to have the same birthrate as white. Niggers still have a lot of kids

A wise man indeed

C'mon. Our """""white""""" couples make more babies than European average; still outside of some catholic areas near the Loire Valley they make less babies than minorities.

Almost 30% of French babies have African admixture, up to 50% in Ile-de-France(if not more). In the same time, the African community constitutes like 10-15% of our population.
If these 15% represent 30% of our population's growth, it means they make (much) more babies on average than others.

Speak for yourself.

What kind of sorry excuses for men invites other people to fuck their wives? What a disgrace.

Only yanks do that

>Almost 30% of French babies have African admixture

Brits do it too.

Yeah but atleast they have Irishmen fuck their wives

Since when?
Your degeneracy is all your own yank.

inb4 cherrypicking too.
Don't go there doodle.
Statistics are easy.

Already 30% of French people have foreign admixture (mainly European).
This old immigration is going to be replaced by the African one(blacks+maghrebis). Into 50 years we will be 25-35% African (rest is European), which is quite close to current US's situation.
Thing is, African communities have difficulties to find their place in our society, and inequalities are reproducing/multiplying over time (rather than decreasing).

It's nothing but the beginning of a long journey.

Come on you faggot. It's Englishman and American Anglos who are the main cucks. Just take responsibility so all white people don't have to deal with this shit. You are the real cucks.

>muh dying japan
Japan has a higher birthrate than most european nations. Western european nations are only that "high" because their immigrants have around 3 kids per woman.

everywhere in green-orange-red is fine

fertility rate being insanely high is bad

>tfw you will see the porch of geese perish in your lifetime

How does one say so much with so few words?

>tfw brazil's rate is 1.72
>tfw nordics outbreed us

send bunda

We have mostly Indians in terms of non-white populations. Not sure what this twonk is on about with Arabs for the UK.

>Soaring childlessness among southern European women - report

Replacing your need for population by third world immigration is worse. Literally going the way of the native american if this keeps up for 20-30 years more.

t. Retard

Japan has had below replacement by a large margin since 1971.

>policy to rise
>allow abortions payed by the state
>state free planed parenthood
>free condoms
>state pays for part of pills/condoms
>expensive, mandatory public education
>large working hours
>few kindergartens

ah, yes Portuguese policy to rise.

TFR including heritage and citizenship status.

rip belgium.

Btw does anyone have a more recent version of this?

Nope just not third world inbred shitholes that having working sex organs unlike your country


no we dont you moron, we get south asians (indians/pakistanis)

europeans need some brown seed because you are too autistic to talk to women

nah the problem is that women (and men) don't want kids


>mfw people tell me eastern Europe will rise and be successful

>declining birth rate and population capping at a sustainable amount
>capitalists think this is bad and everything must always be about growth
I literally do not understand capitalism

I thought Euros were supposed to be all "plan for the future", and economically responsible, and shit.

It isn't stable, if it was around 2.0 it would be fine. Automation won't fill gaps this big, the economy will tank.

Why don't euros use their benis?

it's the women not using their womb m8

Elders are pretty much leeching the working class.
It's basically a Ponzi scheme because we (Millenials and Gen Z) are contributing but we all know we will see none of this money, we will have to slave until 70 while these lazy asses retired with full pension at 55.

Boomers ruined this country, I hope for a massive economic crisis throwing millions of them in the streets, they deserve violence.

>African communities have difficulties to find their place in our society, and inequalities are reproducing/multiplying over time (rather than decreasing).

Nice way to say they are subhuman with an average 80 IQ and feral behavior.

>It's nothing but the beginning of a long journey.
You mean it's the beginning of the civil war to send them back to their homeland.

Return to Sup Forums, or never leave /fr/ pls

I go wherever I want Abdul, remember, you are the one out of place.

>be yurocuck
>slowly die out

Leave your parent's house first, then you'll be enabled to say who's out of place.

>be new zeeland
>drink horse cum
>get cucked by australians
>become the saviors of the white race

daily reminder that new zealand is 69% white

>projecting this hard

Brazilian fertility rate is pretty low now too, though. One of the lowest of the Americas.

Man, I'm not even muslim or arabic.

>not muslim or arab
something doesn't add up


pretty much the same like the french here told old bastards get early retired and my generation can work to death without any pensions

>this includes gypsies breeding like rabbits


I would like to volunteer my body to produce cute Slovene babies. Where do I sign up?

at least we're not fr*nch you smelly garlic-munching subhuman

>UK 1.96, belgium 1.81, nederlands 1.76
>no intervention
>France 2.01
>policy to maintain

What the fuck is up there ?

Oooh there you are, The Kiwi Who Hates The French

it's enough to walk 10 min in the streets of brussels to be aware of that

Pay reparations you smug bastard

>France too can into tricky tricks

Just import more muzzies, they'll take care of the fertility problem

Hello Merkel, I see you are in Brazil.