> Left
That high school crush you never had the BALLS to ask her out
> right
> Left
That high school crush you never had the BALLS to ask her out
> right
>porn isn't interracial
nah, that's not me
>ask your crush out
>get rejected
>high socks
>high socks at home
>high socks at home on male
wtf people really do this?
>high school crush
from all pics you choose this one. why?
>not wearing socks 99.99% of the time
this 2bh, it's overrated as fuck
Back to /r9k/ fuckin autist
>He doesn't live in a bunker
Nah that's not me
Obviously I never leave the house without socks (both because I live in the fucking arctic, but also because I'm not some savage), but 2bh I take them off as soon as I get in the door at home.
i only ever got rejections
>socially adept
>have friends
>not ugly
>fit (not ripped, but fit)
>girls have liked me, even pretty ones
>18 years old, soon to be 19
>have never had a gf
honestly, i never dedicated my time into getting a gf throughout high school, but as soon as i get into college I'm looking for a gf
I'm worried that soon ill be to far behind the curve and i'll end up with problems due to lack of inter-sexual experience.
anyone else have this problem? am i screwed?
99.99% of the time i'm lying on my sofa in front of tv. why would i need socks?
enjoy your sweaty feet and varicose btw. although for an aussie that's excusably i believe
i am 26 and have never had a gf, after a certain point you can never make up for incompetence
i'm 26 and i'm done. that's it for me, i'm out of play forever. so save yourself while you can, bud
I'm 26 too and your mothers are two of many chicks I banged
wise elders, was there hope for you in the 18-20 y/o range?
i dont know, i always sucked with girls, i stopped trying once i got to 18 or so, was fed up with rejection
>he is hung up on the high school crushes he didn't ask out
>not the college crushes he did ask out
>and said yes
>and then turned out to be completely incompatible with on a deeper level
>or cheated on you cause you weren't really dating. It was just "for fun"
>or that were almost perfect but had dark thoughts and killed themselves
Back to /r9k/ buddy
wtf how did you get a photo of me?
I asked my high school crush out.
She said no.
So I adjusted my balls and moved on.
Then I got a girl that abused and destroyed me.
After years I got over it and now I can only be happy, as she turned into a fat whale.
i never had a high school crush, in fact i barely went to high school
what's the point when it's 99% niggers and you never work a single day ? they are so incompetent they didn't even notice i stopped showing up
also no i dn't even look remotely like this