League mastery thread is a go

League mastery thread is a go
post your shit, flame people or whatever

shameless self bumb

remaking thread to overwatch profile post. do it.

I'm a mans man



Rate me

too lazy to post screencap. 420k on Kat with level 6. eat me

>lvl 6

funnily enough my second S rank came from playing her support

funnily enough no one fucking cares because you arent level 7 faggot

faggot of demacia

Garen lvl 6 - Noob aproved


I fucking adore you from all my heart take this as a gift

thanks fam, teemo best champ


My main

and smurf

rate me

Twitch Main.

>>lulu, janna and karma
are you a girl?

I need one more S / S+ game on my favorite champ to get mastery 7. Feels bad because I only really play with friends and support them so inevitably end up dying by trying to save them and going out of position. Maybe it's time to play solo and let people die.

guess my rank

low to med gold

Plat and gold are essentially the same so close enough

fuck you

i respect the heavy, but fuck you
lol support slut respect
you're fucking weird irl arent yuo
yes you are m'lord
eh, alright.
fuck yeah you're prob plat

this thread sucks

Mine looks like this except with vlad instead of ashe


havent played for a while, how do you get the banners blue and purple?

Mordekaiser numero uno jajaja