>wake up
>you're a young black male in Ukraine
Wat do?
Wake up
Get beat and killed by the locals
eat shit and kill innocent people because It's only thing which they can
Go fight against unlawful russian separatists and mercenary forces funded and supported by kremlin criminals
say "rebyata ne strelyaite, i svoi"
Ukrainians aren't savages.
well op you are posing a big problem here by assuming that if i were black i would still have self-agency
obviously i would just give in to my instincts and do whatever mother nature tells me to do
ayy yo
hol up
you be saying we in the land of slavs and shieet?
Listen carefully on the train for the word cherniy
spread aids
Fucking Niggers
I hope Merkel fucks you with the full force of the law, fucking Nazi.
Fuck you kike. Heil Hitler. The Holocaust never happened.
no such thing
>worst of both worlds
kill myself probably
continue following my dreams to get a qt Ukrainian gf
>be a fucking nigger
>in a fucking ukraine
rap in ukranian, starting a new trend and earning some money
Tell them that i am Obama and order all of their military personnel to charge east
even the cooks, mechanics, wounded, cripples and retired.
study medicine at uni
Get a £10 hotel room, install tinder, fuck 3 girls in a week then go back to work on Monday.
Why don't you do it now? You're worth less than horseshit.
I get out of the zone
have sex hohol girls and collect welfare
Drown in Slav pussy
Do you have AIDS?