When you see a fucking half-person beyata leftist

>when you see a fucking half-person beyata leftist

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R U a shitskin

How long until they are found dead?


They're inhumanly fast

kys faggot

How do the Bayonetta leftists keep doing it??

>Yes of course Arabs and Blacks are human


Post link to the video where this was taken


do they legitimately say half-person?
do they mean halfbreed?

H-he's fast.

what a fucking masterpiece

Look how Olle holds that axe. Would not have made the cut for a Viking back in the day desu brothers.

Are they Mount and Blade players?

Stop forcing this meme

>Southerner mad that he can't be a Norrebror

You knows Sweden governments wants them dead and wants a Sweden traditions dead too because they are jews and likes. Sons of Odin must fight and survive! Call Thor for support.

>when you want cosplay Mount&Blade but have money only on axes

t. Southern Sister

>I skipped biology class

>I'm a Camelfucker

>Im a virgin

>Im Finnish

>Just because I'm not human everyone else is a virgin

Fug pekka

>Just because I skipped biology class it means that everyone else is a nigger

>I'm a shitskin in Sweden and don't have any Fedoras anymore

Are you trying to radicalize me Olle?

>Im a basementdwelling virgin in germany and I have saved thousands of pictures of fedoras


What is this guy out of 10. In not gay but he looks to be up around 8.

In looks he is like 7/10 for me.

But knowing what a massive retard he is I still wouldnt let him anywhere near me

t. faggot.

t. beyata leftist

can't wait for when these guys go on a killing spree desu

No, im a nationalist and right wing voter to, but I dont act like I have legit autism on youtube over it.

Gays aren't welcome on our side. Fuck off back to your queer faction.

Im bisexual, but anyway. Im just nationalistic and not full tier turbonazi, that shit will not happen, especially not in Sweden and everyone knows that.

Sweden needs to beat Norway's high score

What the fuck is a beyata leftist? If I try searching for it all I find are Sup Forums threads

Why are they seal hunting with axes?


You are praying to Odin in your local viking burial site when this muslim walks near you and your ancestors.

What do?

I don't know, after watching a couple of clips they look pretty fucking gay to me. What's your take on it Mr. fag?

i assume it's how they say beta leftist because of their accent

Any beyata leftists here? I want to kick your ass.

they were funny for like 2 days

t.beyata leftist




not everyone here can read your meme language

t. leftist beyata

Why aren't these guys hoarding guns and learning to shoot instead of walking about outdoors playing with axes? If they're seriously planning on starting a race war or going to the middle east to kill shitskins or whatever it seems like it'd be more practical to learn guns and explosives.

Why do they have so little self-awareness? How do they not realise that these videos are absurdly comedic?
