Why are New Worlders so obsessed with race?

Why are New Worlders so obsessed with race?

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Ask yourself, after all old worlders created us.

Fuck off Europe is white as fuck. Especially Italy.

they are class and identity conscious, and not just america either
you just pick on us because you understand english
its even worse in lat am countries, they have their own racial subdivisions within each economic class and their own dialect/culture etc within each sub sub class
its like english and their class privileges except they are racially and economically based
we are like babby tier compared to them

On Sup Forums you definitely are more

>new worlders
it's mostly americans

"New Worlders"? Not really.

It's somewhat common in USA only. And here on Sup Forums, among retards from Sup Forums who leaked their cancercage into other boards.

Whites are the least racist people in the world. How many refugees do you think the fucking Japs have been letting in?

A few already and as students I believe, Germanicucks give them free shit.


> According to recent figures from the Japanese Ministry of Justice, as of 2015, only six Syrians have been accepted as refugees in the country.
>The situation isn’t much better for refugees from other nations. Last year, Japan received a record 7,586 applications for refugee status. Just 27 were granted.

South Korea is no better, the only refugees they take in are ethnic Koreans from the North.

Chinese and Indians are notoriously racist towards outsiders.

Arabs bring in foreigners but use them as literal slave laborers.

I have no time for any ignorant liberal who whines that whites are racist.

>New wordlers

You mean... Amerifats?

We also got our fair share of refugees.
And also stop this "slave labor" meme. They're not slaves. They're paid for everything they do and just because their work is hard doesn't make them slaves. Yes it's unfortunate the horrid treatment they get. However they are not slaves. Most people who go to GCC go there for its buisness opportunity. And it does pay off well.

The more diverse a country is, the more of an issue it is. It's becoming more prevalent in this country if you haven't noticed

>Chinese and Indians are notoriously racist towards outsiders.

true. they are the worst.

americans are obsessed with race because politically-correctness is the escape valve of people with no actual arguments


This. UK is the most racist in Europe

they have nothing to be proud about themselves.
it's like the poor and stupid tend to be nationalists in order to avoid confronting their harsh reality.

wut? it was spain who did most of the bad stuff

That's why the only people in Iberia that care so much about race are usually loner outcasts that blindly follow the anglo\nordic sub-cultural trends

we're not

>It's becoming more prevalent in this country if you haven't noticed
No, that's because of cancerous yank social justice movements filtering into our our society through our universities

It really isn't.