Ok, it's to take off your hipster glasses Sup Forums, and tell me, who is the best Pop musician currently?

Ok, it's to take off your hipster glasses Sup Forums, and tell me, who is the best Pop musician currently?

Other urls found in this thread:


Charli XCX

lol pretending to like radio pop is THE most hipster thing ever


>using the word hipster in 2016
normies get off my BOARD

>last year + 1
>listening to pop music

Ariana Grande

I meant the best Pop singer music wise, not fuck wise

>tfw I don't know barely any current radio music, let alone artists




Best pop musician or band?

Probably Half Waif

I suggest you all check out the album Probable Depths today.


School of seven bells

She's both, but JT's last albums were so fucking good too

Jeremy Semen Da Anal Spelunka

Taylor Swift or Carly Rae Jepsen.
They basically make the same songs teebh. But they're very good songs

Bruno Mars is the only correct answer




Carly is by far the best but i find charli and tswift to be enjoyable

gotta give it to CRJ tbqh

>butthurt over the word hipster
>unironically says normie

Meghan Trainor

He just released a song that went platinum senpai. It wasnt that great and was for a kids movie but still. This man does nothing but make hits.

The Weeknd

>Early work brought a totally new and exciting dark twist to a stale genre
>Has a very focused and steadily evolving sound
>Largely self-made, still does a lot of his own production
>Old music is atmospheric, dark, drugged out and sexual like nothing else
>Newer "sellout" stuff is catchy and well-made without resorting to hot-button pop clichés
>Seems like a cool guy, most pop musicians turn into deranged assholes when they get big


And I'm sure I'll get some
implications but I'd argue Starboy is a strongest pop album of the year. I agree that a lot of the back half could be cut, but it's more successful and focused on an album basis than most pop musicians, whose "albums" are a couple of singles mixed with throwaway shit that took 5 minutes to make because they're radio and single focused.


3OH!3- my dick

Starting out on Tri Angle, I didn't think I'd see them getting big in the ""EDM"" scene.