>Americans still uses checks instead of cards.
Americans still uses checks instead of cards
credit card is the scam of the centuries
you know Shakespeare said something about it in one of his plays
Checks are more secure than cards
>American defending checks
It's like watching brits defend pic related
identity theft always involve credit cards
>Goes to supermarket
>Buy frozen pizza and diet coke
>Write check for 4 dollars
If it ain't broke don't fix it
>using anything but exact change
I just got 3 books of check in the mail as we spoke
Not at all, I pay and get money instantly, don't have to wait.
oh i have debit card too
i literally dont even know how to write a check or how it works
>Go to mcdonalds
>Pay with a check
What the fuck are you talking about? The only people who use checks over here are the elderly.
Where do you get these whacky ideas?
Sup Forums
Isn't it annoying to use cash all the time?
I think they're all quaint and adorable things to do, just like japanese using fax machines.
If it's not broke don't fix it.
In europe banks have gotten completely rid of checks and if you tried to pay with one the cashier would probably look at you like you were offering them tree leaves, so americans still using checks to a degree that they even know what they are is very novel.
i use cash, a debit card and a credit card. Almost all my purchases are with a credit card. I've been building my credit score since I was 17 and now its almost perfect.
>In europe banks have gotten completely rid of checks
Wow, really? That sounds so nice. But wait, how do your old people create huge lines at grocery stores?
a check book comes in 2 parts
the top book is for you to list your expenses
the second part is the actual check
lets do part 2 first
on the top is your name and adress pre preprinted by your bank
next to it is the number on the left use that number to correspond to the list for book 1 (you have to do this manually, entering your expense, ie each check you right so you can "balance" ie not write more than you have)
below the check number is the date you write the check (also entered in book 1)
in the middle of the check is pay to the order of, the receptive of the check, eg user's mom, do not write purpose on this line
below this line is just a line with no title, you write the amount in english eg twenty dollars, if in whole dollars you write 00/xx for 0 cents eg (twenty dollars 00/xx cents), next to it you write 20.00 (the $ sign should be there)
below that is your bank name
below that is For, you write the reason for writing that check on that line eg Last night
next to it i sign, ie, receiver of your mom's service
do not sign on the back, that's for your mom, then you rip it out and handed or mail it or whatnot
>building my credit score
You see this is what I don't get. You somehow have to demonstrate that you're a good credit risk by accumulating debt commitments?
I've never had a credit card or a personal loan in my life. I rocked up to a bank, showed them a payslip, and got a mortgage.
yea because banks have no reason to trust you i guess. I only ever worked summers and chilled during the semesters in college so the bank can only really see me paying off my monthly credit card bill as a way to show im not retarded with money
>Youropoors stil use cards instead of paypass/wave
>Living on 200 dollars a month
What's your one purchase this month, a vodka for a buck?
we don't defend that
the french still do as well afaik
But I don't understand, paypass/paywave is credit card networks, or do you mean using your phone?
Not really liking the idea of having the one easily misplaced device that can pay money out of my account as well as having all my contacts and all my amateur porn
haha, owned
oh, wait...
They don't.
They shop all their stuff when regulars are out working.