Seinfeld thread

seinfeld thread

I've been watching a few seasons of seinfeld recently because I've got too much time and I'm super bored.

What is it about this show? why was it such a gread succes in the 90s?

all the humor and the stories are based on the main characters either:
- being selfish assholes caring about their own advantage only
- being super cheap and caring on money only
- lying for their own advantage and tryin to cover up lies
- being complete cowards
- nagging and screaming all the time if things don't turn out exactly how they want to
- generally acting as jewish as possible
(or all of the above combined)

inb4 "then why did u watch several seasons of it faggit!?"
btw I'm wathcing season5 right now...


>why was it such a gread succes in the 90s?
then op goes and lists exactly why it was a "gread" success. Best show ever btw


it was different, then.

that's like watching Aliens and being like "Wow, space marines? how generic"

Or LoTR and being like "Orcs and Elves? Liek THAT hasn't been done before"

Seinfeld sort of set the stage for what a modern sitcom is like.

why would people watch a show just to hate the main characters? (in fact I do. and because I'm reeeally bored and out of shows to watch)

I think this was already done in the 80s...

Are you so dense to not realize you described qualities in the average person?

it's alright, but the Laugh Track ruins it. if a show has to tell when to laugh, then it's not funny.
that's why Curb your Enthusiasm is the better Larry David creation

but nothing beats the Greatest Show Of All Time
>pic related

because it is a show about nothing.

but it's not enjoyable to watch!
maybe it was produced by the KKK to force jewish stereotypes.
or are people really like thet in NY??

this show is like Seinfeld on Crack
best show ever

Have you even watched an 80's sitcom? It's all Brady Bunch with a gimmick.

"Maron" starring Marc Marron is very jewish too...

yes. so "seinfeld" isn't nothing new...

>its not enjoyable to watch
>is on season five


something isn't adding up here

how is seinfeld like brady bunch at all you fucking goon?

>inb4 "then why did u watch several seasons of it faggit!?"

so what is the basic concept of seinfeld ??


>inb4ing after

also, quoting me sarcastically isn't an argument

If it's not enjoyable, you wouldn't have spent hundreds of hours watching it.

maybe he's just a BDSM little bitch and likes pain

I watch it because I feed on those ugly jewish stereotypes.


A show about how a comedian gets his materiel, later a "show about nothing".

No Family shit, no "Jerry got a D in Math" "Anna is hanging out with a bad boy!" "Oh, that silly neighbor is at again!" bullshit.

But then he still LIKED it, right?

that's true. that was a new concept.
but except Cosmo Kramer I really hate all the main characters...

I watch it. But I don't like it.

you just read that in my voice.



Again, that doesn't add up.
>I fucking hate this show, there's so much better shit to watch
>better watch 4 fucking seasons of it just to make sure


whatever makes you a sleep at night, bud

Also, I fucking HATE friend chicken, so I'm gonna heat up some friend chicken and eat it everyday for a month


It was terrible then, cringeworthy now. I had a couple of friends that watched it in the 90's, generally made me turn the tv over/off though.


Maybe I like to hate the main charakters . . .





im gonna need a source on this

that looks just like tina fey


Literally my all time favourite comedy TV show. I've seen each episode about 5x each.

Search for Seinfeld xxx parody or something



God damn I used to love that show. I've seen it too much.



The laugh track in Seinfeld is fine. It's not The Big Bang Theory.


>maybe I like..
Then you like it you fucking dolt

By the way, you're not always supposed to agree with or believe in the main character. If he's doing something stupid, it's because the writers made him do something stupid, not because everyone involved in the show was like "yeah, that'd be smart! lets watch a show about a group of friends that are always making the right choices and never get into wacky-but-still-realistic situations!"

now THAT would be a show about nothing



It moved.


You should probably commit suicide you prudish faggot.


Admit it, this was genius.

>I feed on
So that means you're finding it enjoyable. You're consuming media to get a pleasure or entertainment from it. Basically fuck you, you like it.



It's not a show about nothing. Man I wish people stopped saying that.

I know that's not what you were implying.

it's a show about jews being jews



The mango ep was funny



>prudish faggot
Nice oxymoron

Thanks, that''ll make a great wallpaper and also checked your dubs





Favourite Seinfeld quotes everyone?








sinister joy




I grew up watching this.
THAT is the humor. The characters are selfish and shallow. If you watch the finale episode that's sort of the whole message of the bad these people really were.



"George is getting angry!"


Every main char but Jerry was an extreme char of a certain eemotion.
Jerry was the normie weird enough to befriend these idiots and draw humorous comedy from.
Always got fucked bc too much of one sin/emotion fails you, and always got sucked in to their shit and got indecicive/anxious/afraid/etc.
Funny look on life. And a look, honestly, about nothing. Bc we're all meaningless, just accumulating experiences.

>inb4 countering with famous ppl on history
FO, talking about normies and you know it.








It's so perfect. The ending is amazing.


George is getting upset!